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Sean Bellafiore

Friend of HG
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  1. 1. Abuser name: Thomasjosif 2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_1:1:51454600 3. What server: CSGO JB 4. About what time: 20:05 EST (8:05 EST) 5. PROOF: Console Log: Unfortunately because I haven't ever had an issue with abuse, I didn't record anything. 6. Please tell us about the incident: I was playing on JB for close to 45 minutes on CT time, leading, obeying the rules, not doing anything wrong at all. We get about 2 minutes into the round with Hellbringer leading. Hellbringer dies and Thomas runs into S4S. Being an old CS:S JB player, I'm listening for an audible sound to let me know lead has died. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and I didn't see that lead died right away. Thinking lead was still alive, I shot in his general direction not thinking I connected with him. I realized lead died, and took lead. Thomas instantly T-locks me for 9 rounds for shooting at him while there was no lead. This whole incident occured in about 5 seconds, and I had not been warned nor slayed for any infractions. I was instantly Tlocked for 9 rounds with the excuse of "I'm sick and tired of your freeshooting" which I had only done on that occassion. Instead of following the slay/tlock/tlist, Thomas skipped right over slaying and went to the highest possible tlock for freeshooting him. I didn't kill him, I shot him twice and it was an accident.
  2. Dont post in ban unban tlist or abuse reports unless its about you or you have any proof.

  3. One of my absolute favorite things to do is to tell T's to crouch walk to the bottom of the cellstairs and then start Simon Says after I open the cells. However, every time I do this, someone tells me I cannot do it because it's a tarp in cells since everyone isn't out of cells. According to the Holy Bible, you can't do word tarps in cells, but Simon Says isn't really a word tarp. It's not like after I start Simon Says that I say "Simon Says all T's are now bananas. Simon Says run to bottom of cell stairs." So can I start Simon Says once the cells are open?
  4. Howdy All, I've been out of commission and recovering from surgery for the past week. Since I couldn't sit down and actually play jailbreak, I loaded it up on my shitty laptop and speced (see:rep whored) for a whole week. There was one thing that became clear to me after a week of not playing jailbreak and actively using my admin powers. Most people that become T-Locked instantly leave the server to avoid the T-lock, then come back 20-30 minutes later. It really seems to me that T-locking is absolutely useless. There's no record of being T-locked, besides just knowing if he/she was or was not. If there was some record of being t-locked, it would probably make this problem go away. However, since most people just get T-locked for 3-5 rounds, leave the server and then come back with a clean slate, I'm proposing we skip T-locking and T-list these people instead. If we T-list, admins/staff have a record of this person actually breaking the rules. (Think about it, if one person comes in, gets t-locked, leaves and comes back when new admins are on, he can keep getting t-locked with little to no actual punishment) If we t-list them, it actually shows the players that the admins are being serious about the rules. More people will say something if a person was t-listed than if the person was just t-locked. I'm proposing to keep the punishment steps at 4, with the last punishment step being a 2 hour T-List, but I'm proposing that instead of T-locking, we t-list a person for anywhere between 20-60 minutes depending on how severe they need to be punished. If you wanted to T-lock someone for 3 rounds, just T-list them for 15 minutes. If someone deserved a 6 round T-lock, give them a 30 minute t-list. By doing this, I really believe we can keep better tabs on those people who break the rules, leave to avoid the t-lock, and then come back like nothing happened. Thoughts? Input?
  5. Howdy everybody! I'm making a Centurion for myself and a couple of my friends and I need suggestions for good music/videos. For those that don't know what a Centurion is, a Centurion is a video where you drink one shot of beer every minute for one hundred minutes. The video that plays is usually music/funny video clips and movie clips and each clip is a minute long. There are 100 clips and I need help finding good music/music videos/funny videos/funny movie clips for the video. The songs that I'm looking for don't need to be a minute long, but they need to have a music video with it. I can cut the music down to a minute. The songs should be either funny or they should be easily recognizable for a bunch of drunken people to sing along with. If you have any songs/videos you'd know of, post it down here! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwoJGP_QY9Spwjri9sMFMtnSF_O5022Pf Those are some of the songs I have on there already. NOTE: Some of the videos are you rage you drink videos, so that's why there are retarded ones. Thanks everybody!
  6. Howdy Cool Cats, I'm looking to upgrade my Galaxy Nexus because, well, Verizon hates my phone. I've been looking at the Note 2 and the rumors for the Note 3. I'm really not in a terrible rush to upgrade my phone, and I was wanted some opinions. http://www.android.gs/samsung-galaxy-note-3-release-date/ Just some rumors about the Note 3 to get the people talking. I really don't know anything more about the Note 2 than it's a huge phone and Samsung is really pushing it. My doctor suggested that I get the Note because of the size of the screen and when I looked at it, it looked flipping amazing. Do you all have any suggestions or personal experiences with the Note 2?
  7. I fired the 40 caliber Springfield XD today. It felt really good in my hands, managable recoil, but I didn't like that my thumb was always on the slide lock. The employee at the range suggested a Glock for concealed carry too. I'll probably try the 9mm or .45 XDS next time I go. Hopefully it'll fit my hands well.
  8. I've fired Glocks before and I do really like the way they handle. But as a CCW? I think that the CCW Glocks might not be practical. I've never shot a compact Glock before so I have nothing to base it on.
  9. What would you all suggest for a good first weapon for concealed carry usage? I'm probably going to get a gun for concealed carry come July when I turn 21.
  10. Simon Says when people are crouch walking. So many people fall for it. SO MANY PEOPLE.
  11. Sean Bellafiore

    Crisis 3

    It looks awesome on computer. I know that much haha
  12. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike (Global Offensive / Source) In-Game Name Cataclysm Location Gainesville, FL How old are you? 20 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? CSS Jailbreak, Deathrun, Abottabad, Gungame, Dust2DM How long have you been playing on our server(s)? Consistently for the past 2-4 months, started playing on HG over 2 years ago. What is your Steam ID? STEAM_0:1:1050267 Why do you want to join HG? I've been around HG servers for quite some time now. I really enjoy the time that I spend with other admins, other members, and the members of this community. I really feel like I can blend well and help HG advance forward as an already thriving community. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? N/A Any other information you want to include is welcome Does donating for admin have any effect on being a part of HG? Can't find a straight answer to that, but I don't think that it would.