Character Name: Lilly Cat
Time Played: 6 days
PERP Cash: Around 700k
Your Best Qualities: I dunno o.o. I have a lot of free time, I'm pretty quiet. I'm a fairly empathetic and generous person. I guess I also have a pretty good sense of humor. As far as PERP is concerned I always contribute to base building, and generally defend.
Your Worst Qualities: I have a lot of free time. I'm shy and fairly boring. In game I tend to like never ever raid. So as far as raiding parties go I'd rather just grow . I also tend to be a fairly careless/lagy driver u.u
Why You Want To Join: I'm looking for an active org/community. I tend to play PERP a lot and often there are no org members to play with. I'd like to actually play PERP when I'm online, instead of waiting at the bank for enough people to get on so that we can base.