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Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. What the fuck, can't believe they banned you. We can always play comp like old times sake

  2. Every da in css knows about sound radar and all that stuff. This is why we're da

    1. .lsd


      You also have hacking bans in other communities so we will see what DL says.

    2. BentWiener


      what communities? Only played css on hg servers, dafuq are u talking about

    3. .lsd
  3. apparently banned for wallhacking, weird..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ASCII


      working on a solution, I got you buddy.

    3. Darkkran


      RIP, Bent doesn't wallhack he trys hard

    4. Xaioa


      Lol hacks? Probs Butthurt players that cant stand a good player trying in Jailbreak.

  4. Nah just move me to spec if they're afk, why wait 10 minutes for afk maneger.
  5. Stop banning me all the time

    1. joKer


      stop derping all the time.

  6. How many times is this going to happen....

  7. Dont post on bans, tlists, unbans or abuse reports unless it concerns you or youre providing proof.

  8. BentWiener

    cs:s Gang Gone

    Menu still disappear, plz respond.
  9. BentWiener

    cs:s Gang Gone

    still not working
  10. BentWiener

    cs:s Gang Gone

    Gangs are back. However I cant upgrade lvl or change perk, menu disappears.
  11. BentWiener

    cs:s Gang Gone

    Made a gang earlier today, donated all my rep. (~3k only) Logged in few hours later and It was gone. Y u do dis?