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Friend of HG
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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. Happy birthday

  2. Nothing wrong with practice. I will try to be there but I can't guarantee anything.
  3. Played it once or twice but couldn't get into it
  4. - In-game name: -hg- Mahkan - Steam-ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mahkan - Age: 25 - Solo MMR/ Party MMR: TBD - Position: Support - Personal Info: I am looking for a team to practice with and to maybe practice aspects of different roles.
  5. Sounds like fun. Might take a break from Dota 2 to play with you guys.
  6. I think this would be an awesome idea
  7. mahkan

    Ability Draft

    ARAM is a game mode in League where there is only one lane and you are given a random champion. Pretty much there is nothing but constant teamfights.
  8. mahkan

    Ability Draft

    Something like ARAM in league?
  9. I think when it comes to complaining about hero choices, it would be good to maybe suggest a hero when it comes to selection time or just not say anything at all. I've noticed this when I've been solo queuing and no one picks a support. When that happens, I just keep silent and use my gold to buy the courier.