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  1. brgr.

    Happy birthday!

  2. Zolo

    Server Reset

    It's not legal trouble. Businesses do it all the time. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130417/08024722740/ea-shuts-down-social-media-games-without-refunding-money.shtml If HellsGamers has it in their ToC that anything you buy with real life money is more "this is ours, but you can play with it" rather than "this is now your property, do as you want with it", then yes, they can legally close down the server and see no legal repercussion. http://www.gamerlaw.co.uk/2012/what-happens-when-a-game-with-virtual-goods-closes/ Secondly, it's just not realistic that someone would go through all the paperwork, money lawyers, and hassle to get back $20 that they paid. It's not worth it. If HG wants people on their server, this is what they have to do. Instead of bashing ideas, how about we throw new ones in there?
  3. Zolo

    Server Reset

    Dont you love it when someone ruins the server and refuses to do anything about it? Ahh shits refreshing to me
  4. Zolo

    Server Reset

    Will it be reset with everything that is on the server right now? (mainly kevlar, dude remove that shit)
  5. Zolo

    Server Reset

    +1 boxer. I've also spent real money for perp cash, but i dont mind having to grind for it again if everyone else has to also. thats when everyone enjoys playing the goddamn game. I enjoy playing perp but I dont want to do it on another server with brand new rules and I dont want to play on a server with an average of 5 players on (if you're lucky). I also feel for the players that have countless hours spent on the game accomplishing a lot, but really, what does it matter if no one plays on the server, ur gonna go on and be drive around your f1 or bugatti in a dead server??
  6. someone swoop me for the 5v5

    1. Zolo


      highest rank smfc dont play too often but can now

  8. With the addition of kevlar and nerfed shotgun, the game is getting harder and harder for newbies. PROBLEM: KEVLAR Kevlar is expensive to use, no new player is gonna have enough money to be blowing 10k for each death. Right now only the veteran players have money to be spending on kevlar, let alone weapons and ammo. SOLUTION: KEVLAR Solution 1: Remove kevlar in it's entirety. We didn't really need kevlar in the first place. There aren't enough dedicated people playing the server that normally play cop. Some people may think they're op, but theres rarely more than 1-2 cop on at a time. Solution 2: Reduce the price of the kevlar so that it's not something only the richer players can get. PROBLEM: NERFED SHOTGUN The reason that this impacts new players is that the first gun that they can raid with is the shotgun. Now that the shotgun has been severely nerfed, players who cannot craft rifles and rifle ammo are forced to default to a gun thats been shit on by SK. I dont remember how hard it was to level my shotgun up to level 4 marksmanship for rifles, but I know it's not easy, especially for players already at a disadvantage. SOLUTION: SHOTGUN Reduce the needed marksmanship level as needed. A lower requirement will allows newer players to get past the shotgun phase and start using a variety of weapons. I feel that this will even the playing field. Players that already have the needed level wont cry and the new players will rejoice!
  9. http://imgur.com/STcrzyZ ^^ An hour or two of growing $$$ ^^
  10. You have to make sure you keep the meth away from each other and away from the stove. I usually do 5 meth per stove spread out. If the meth explodes and the stove or other meth is near it, those will also explode.
  11. Zolo

    CS:GO Deathmatch Marathon

    im comin