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an arrow to the knee

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  1. Im givin a shoutout to TheRealBRICK

    1. Anthony


      hell yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

  2. Give me a shoutout, you're famous.

    1. an arrow to the knee

      an arrow to the knee

      thanks for agreeing with me


  3. im just trying to make people aware of what is happening

    1. ASCII


      You mean you come on here to slander people with no evidence. Good Luck with that. Want to make a report goto bans section, next drama status u post I will forum ban you. Take your problems and go thru the proper channels or find another place to grief, becuase you are close to having no options.

  4. More will come soon. JJK admit to the problems or i will bring out more damning evidence.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jajolt


      Buk Lau, don't tell us what to do! On topic, if you are not satisfied with it you're not on the right track with bashing us. If you can get a large enough group together to go to uM or Council they will take more notice and consideration to your point than a few people ragequitting HG.

    3. BukLau



    4. Forella!
  5. jjk with all do respect I have to say that I myself have not talked to you much and you don't have many records at all of me talking to you about this specific topic. I am not speaking for myself but for all the people that have left because of abusive leaderships. I also never asked for you to explain the actions of any admin, ever. Even if I did, it would be the right thing for you to take matters into your own hands and look into it and question said admin because as a high ranking member of hg, it is your duty to help members that have legitimate complaints. Remember sharp shooter. Yea, you took that into consideration but only after debate after debate after debate which for the most part, didn't go anywhere. For those that doubt me, I am not lying JJK, once more with all do respect im not a hardcore troll as you previously stated and the people that you mentioned aren't either. I also have to say that ASCII banned me for seven days off of team speak 3 because of me suggesting that people are corrupt therefore providing even more evidence to support the case of me and my fellow associates. I have never twisted your words around and I never will because I am a person who argues with truth and logic. I am sorry to say that lying about what I stated about you makes you lose all of my respect because you hid like a COWARD instead of facing the problem directly, yet again. Ps. {No Silence} ATB* this is not a joke.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JJK


      who's hiding like a coward?



    3. ASCII


      stop with the status updates, you are working on a forums gag. Whatever problem you have it is obviously not games or the internet. You may want to escape the dungeon your mother calls the basement, the air is getting toxic.

    4. ASCII


      and your not banned from ts3 u nerd. it was a temp ban for poking me with drama

  6. You should run for Council, you're very well spoken.

  7. THE UPPER MANAGEMENT IN HG IS CORRUPT leave now or at least some of them but that is still more than there should be. The division advisers are to ignorant and say that it is our fault as member or recruits. The rest ban you if you bring it up. THE MAIN REASON WHY PEOPLE ARE LEAVING IS BECAUSE OF JJK. In HIS words he said as excuses, "it's my clan." and "I don't take orders." Leave before it's too late. Read this before it is removed. I will most likely be banned for posting this. I ask for you to give me and my friends the best of luck in our mission. Be weary of what may happen.

  8. lelelelelelele

    1. #define


      exactly what i was thinking

  9. is a cheesecake still a cheesecake if it is consumed by the ox?

  10. If you had to bring back one famous dead person to meet, who would you bring back to life?