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    Windsor Locks, CT

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Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. until

    Glad to be seeing the SC2 clan taking off so well!
  2. Yeah, I decided not to because my bro came up and told me it will be fixed around 8am PST since that is when NA gets the patch. So, I'm just gonna check and see if it's fixed after I watch Bomber's OSL Semi.
  3. Well, it updated EU and I can log into EU, but I can't switch and play on any server but EU. I'm gonna try uninstalling and reinstalling.
  4. Last night I went to go on SC2 and there was an update, after the update it wouldn't allow me to log on because of a "Game client mismatch with selected region" error. I googled the error and saw a few help threads on battle.net, everything they said to try and do that supposedly works did not work. Is anyone else having this issue, or have had this issue and could possibly help? Thanks in advance.
  5. XpoZ

    Clan War?

    I agree. But at the same time, it is also a good thing to all kill the teams who want to talk badly about us. Because what is their proof our "clan is trash," getting all killed? Just will make them look worse for talking badly upon us and then getting beaten so easily.
  6. could always go fast colossus and have them around 10, but then no blink stalkers. at 10 mins it's one or the other. but yeah, i'm definitely down to play some games tonight. i'm just playing LoL cuz i'm bored
  7. You think I'm not gonna force field and keep them lings out? And colossus will handle them easy enough But I do need to work on my micro :/ So I would prob fuck it up and you'd get in my base, lol
  8. Blink stalkers. GG Mutas.
  9. IGN: Bolbii I like playing top, adc or support
  10. Ima be playing for a while starting now. Also will be on TS. IGN: Bolbii
  11. Happy Birthday

    1. XpoZ


      Thank you!

  12. See, I know the timing on all the early pools and when they finish (roughly), but I still have trouble getting the wall up. Never thought of the cannon in mineral line, I will have to try that. Hopefully it holds off long enough for me to get the wall and a zealot or two and a sentry for force fields. Thank you for the tip.
  13. Alright, that would be awesome. I am going to work on it a little throughout the day with my brother and see if I can get it fixed, or somewhat at least.
  14. Unfortunately my desktop got stolen from my house, which f*cking sucks... And all I have left is my laptop which is definitely unable to stream, thankfully I can still play SC2 on it while I save the money up to build another nice desktop.