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    Graphic Designer

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  1. Game is fucking amazing. Been playing since 3DS release. Highly recommend the WiiU version.
  2. Operation Vanguard, out of no where.

  3. I really badly want to get my hands on it. But right now I'm saving to get Smash with the Gamecube controller.
  4. I know I shouldn't get one, but I need this thing in my life!
  5. Only reason I wanna get one at this point is to buy Bloodborne and the new Silent Hill game
  6. Right now, I'd say Destiny. Played the open beta for a few days, was a bit more entertaining than I thought it would be. Can't wait for it to come out next month.
  7. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared And said, "You're movin' with your aunty and uncle in Bel Air?
  8. Oh Rengar, why you be so amazing

  9. From what I have seen, it is basically a cops/robbers mod for Battlefield 4. It would have been fine if they maybe made it $15-$30, but I don't want to pay full price for it. I doubt I'll ever really buy it, I have 4 and that's enough for me. (Still waiting on DLC to come out for that too....)
  10. Pics only in that topic

    1. Skeletor1991


      No problem. Sorry bout that

    2. RedDevil6193
  11. Back off to my apartment. Bunch of crap to put away and to get internet running.

    1. Lisa Needs Braces

      Lisa Needs Braces

      wondering where you've been these last few days

    2. No!


      get back soon!