So the name. I tell people not to ask about it because I don't really have an answer.
Some years back when the original xbox live was a thing I begged and begged for an xbox to play with my friends. My eldest brother (who at the time is experimenting with less than legal substances) comes home with an xbox and 3 months of xbox live. He gets more stoned than a hooker in Pakistan, tells me to fuck off, and hooks up the xbox. The next day, he gives me the xbox, telling me that he didn't like it. I sign in, giddy with excitement, and put in Halo 2. The only profile made is named deadbabywalrus, and I'm too lazy to make a new one, so I play. I play the shit out of that xbox, and after awhile, I buy The Orange Box for PC. I install steam, and start to make my account, but I can't think of a name. I figured it should be the same as my xbox name for the sake of consistency, so deadbabywalrus it is. I later buy a 360, and use the same profile as the old xbox. But Microsoft thinks dead baby animals are inappropriate, and made me change the gamertag.
So I guess it isn't even my name, huh.