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    15.00 USD 


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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. You had this idea when you were 5 wow, pretty impressed...
  2. Well seems like im the only unlucky guy in this thread well almost, Buk Lau is one of us.
  3. Wow you're lucky dude, just any one of those items in your inv is better than my whole inv lol. I unbox 0.04 and sell em right after. That's why i dont open cases anymore im not lucky enough... BTW NICE RANK, 45 MM won and dat rank wow. You're good
  4. Among the Sleep is shit, did it in one day and the story was awful. (My opinion)
  5. Well you did not mention that you lil shat :3
  6. Are you sure, never heard of that whole finding knife thing. Well you've got to be lucky
  7. Nice, i only find sticker capsules lol I feel you, best think i've got from cases so far is a 0.04
  8. Thanks for the donation.

    1. JackiBoi


      No problem :3

  9. What is the best item you can find in csgo and what is the best item you've found so far ?
  10. Please do not post on ban reports that you are not directly involved in unless you have proof to provide. Thanks.

  11. its not cool posting on every ban report without proof or involving without u D: inb4 infract :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JackiBoi


      Yea, sorry. Well they keep posting ban reports on us all day and so far they have been dissapproved and if they do get dissapproved they will bait us. Btw i am involved, i killed em not him. They just blame him. Go drive mode. Just please, tell them to stop baiting us as soon as we join. Yea whatever i wont post on ban reports unless i have proof or it involves me just sayin' :P

    3. Cosmic


      im not the admin that go over demos, im just saying

    4. JackiBoi


      Well, my ig name is Caps Lock, and im part of the reports that Tut posted not all just some. Yeah well, i understand and thanks for the concerns Cosmic.

  12. how do i upload a demo directly to HG?


    1. Justin


      You drag it from your demo folder into the "files here" box

    2. Justin


      Keep in mind though that thet demo must be 30mb or under so your 70mb demo will have to go through mediafire, but your other one is smaller so that one can be uploaded straight to hg bans