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  1. VAC is stupid! It wont let me play on VAC secured servers! :( wahhhh

  2. POOP. Yes, that's what's on my mind today.

  3. Spent the day with my girlfreind at the fair :3 aww best day ever!!!

    1. Joey7


      hmmm, but ur home with out her. that means


    2. KryspeeHD


      haha nah man, she was still with me watching me play a comp match, she played casual and got 10 kills 48 deaths in like 2 rounds haha :P she did alright

    3. KryspeeHD


      haha nah man, she was still with me watching me play a comp match, she played casual and got 10 kills 48 deaths in like 2 rounds haha :P she did alright

  4. Figured out how to use 2 computers for one screen :D thanks VGA and HDMI ;)

  5. :D Yeah! just took apart a gearbox and put it back together at school!
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. KryspeeHD


      11th grade senior highschool


    3. XxwonderbredxX


      Oh coo. I'm Freshman college student. You'll LOVE College automotive!

    4. XxwonderbredxX


      Oh coo. I'm Freshman college student. You'll LOVE College automotive!

  6. Played some comp. First few matches were good, then i started getting bagged out for being in HellsGamers, only pwnd that one guy all match xD!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dode


      Lol yeah I understand just made me think of the classic Trust me Im a doctor

    3. KryspeeHD


      pretty annoying imo :\

    4. KryspeeHD


      pretty annoying imo :\

  7. Got a new BenQ 25" Monitor for the PC im building! wooooo!!

    1. StyleeZy


      Get 2! Dual monitors is so useful!

    2. mccaincracker
  8. Sorry its a little late. But welcome to HG!

  9. yes! :D finally became a member! i wont let ypu guys down :3

    1. Rizon


      I believe in you :) and congratz

    2. Dode


      You let me down because of the typo in that status

    3. KryspeeHD
  10. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike Global Offensive In-Game Name ^^MitiS`_ Location Victoria, Australia How old are you? 16 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? [HG] Jail Break How long have you been playing on our server(s)? Since December 2012 What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_1:0:54864515 Why do you want to join HG? I've been playing on it for a while, it's a really great gaming community and everyone is kind. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? [HG] Predator Any other information you want to include is welcome Everytime a "T" wins knife fight, they become rebels. I don't think that's fair c: