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The Fish

Friend of HG
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  • Interests
    Snowboarding, Soccer, Obviously video-games, and Paintballing

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  • Minecraft
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  • SteamID 3
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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. The Fish

    unbanned Unban Request

    Im sorry I must not have heard you. Listen i hope to get into the clan and if people hate me it won't be as fun of a time so i deeply apologize for my mistakes.
  4. The Fish

    unbanned Unban Request

    Sorry i forgot to include that Hal, Redzilla, Spoo, and I were playing a match of balloon race when i heard monkey yelling so i said rage.
  5. The Fish

    unbanned Unban Request

    I was banned on teamspeak by The_Monkey a couple weeks back for saying Rage. Here is the message "You are banned permanently. Reason: "SHUT THE FUCK UP"" I think this is a little over-reactive for just saying rage. Can you please consider unbanning me on teamspeak. Thanks for your consideration, The Fish
  6. Text:-HG- The Fish Backround:Mudkip and TF2 Font(provide link if not standard photoshop fonts):anything Render(s):the best you got Colors:anything that works Avatar/Signature/Profile Backround: Signature
  7. When Requesting be sure to have What Picture/Focus point do you want A mudkip doing something cool What does it need to say -Hg- The Fish What style (Dark, Neon, Scary, Plain, etc...) Neon blueish Link to certain pics if you want Extras make it as colorful and vibrant as possible
  8. i have to say spy because i have my best loadout with him and i love trolling medics
  9. The Fish

    TF2 Christmas Event


    Count me in on this can't wait...
  10. I love using the Sharp Dresser although you can't play spy on jailbreak, I just am a huge Assasin Creed finatic and love the feel of this weapon
  11. I play soccer mainly but I also play basketball and hockey for fun.
  12. The Fish

    Ps4 Vs Xbox One

    No offense to anyone who likes either of them but i personally think both of them are total trash. I wouldn't even think about spending the money in them.