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  1. Happy birthday, Robo! :)

  2. After 2 years in HG (and nearly 3 years as a sniper) it has become apparent that the majority of our snipers feel the need to use a danger shield when playing on a crit server. While it is a useful tool on normal valve servers, it just shows weakness when playing on a crit server. On these types of servers, the better sniper is going to get the shot off first. Giving yourself extra time with the resistance just shows that you are afraid of getting shot first, which would normally kill you. Don't use the shield if you don't have the skill to back it up. Post your thoughts on the danger shield on crit servers, or don't i couldn't really care less.
  3. stock sniper because its the best all around, my other would probably be the bazzaar bargain because if you are good with a sniper than it can only bring you benefits
  4. Here's the fucking deal for all of you man-babies out there, if i hit you with you pussy shield on and it doesn't kill you, but you take 8 and a half years to perfect your shot, i'm better than you, because i hit you first, that's what matters. Now maybe if you got a head-shot with the extra time, maybe i would understand, but no, all of you have to body shot and feel like you got some big accomplishment because you have a "i'm a pussy and don't know how to play sniper" item in your second load out slot. So man up and take off the fucking training wheels before i can respect you as an actual sniper, and not as a sleazy asshole who wants the easy way out.
  5. Here's the way i see it. The danger shield is like training wheels for your bike. Its fine to use it when your learning, but soon you gotta take it off. Because if you don't it shows you're scared of falling on your face while actually riding the bike, and everyone's going to make fun of you because you are a grown ass man with training wheels on his bike.
  6. i dont agree, personally i feel like it shows skill if a sniper can get off a shot faster than the other sniper can, if i shoot you before you shoot me it proves i have better reflexes. It doesnt show anything to take the easy way out and allow yourself more time to line up your shot.
  7. Mine would have to be koth because its just an all out battle for a single point with usually wide open areas
  8. The phlog needs to go back to the old version where the pyro could be killed while he was taunting. It currently makes him invincible. I would rather have a chance to kill him before he gets a chance to kill me.
  9. I would say pyro just because they deal high damage and they are usually hard to kill. They should make them a 1 shot kill with a uncharged headshot.