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Street Lethal

Friend of HG
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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York City
  • Occupation
    Student/Part-time banker
  • Interests
    soccer, football, economics, titties
  • Bio
    I go to Columbia.

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Street Lethal's Achievements

Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. Happy birthday!!

  2. Looking to snag an SSD for my mid-2012 MBP. I'm currently running on just some SATA III 500 GB generic one, but it's already failed on me once. With Cyber Monday around the corner, ideally I want to pick up a 256 GB SSD. Any recommendations on the brand? Also, how hard will it be to install? I'm fairly tech-competent, but A) this voids my warranty and i'm scared.
  3. Yes, I am alive. Full-time student + 40 hour work weeks = no down time. Anyways, I've been getting caught up in the Walking Dead and I actually got this question asked to me in a job interview. Here's how I responded: I currently live in NYC so I'd get outta here ASAP. It's nice having resources, but population density would spread the infection like wildfire. I'm sorry but I do not trust 86-year-old Betty living in the Upper East Side to avoid getting bitten. The only plus is that everything is vertical so if we stayed somewhere that had a strong base (One WTC, Empire State Building) we could just use the ground floor as a huge chokepoint. I'd either go inland towards rural areas (just like Walking Dead) or head out to Long Island where we could use the water as a natural barrier (unless zombies know how to swim. that would be terrifying). create a fortified community and seek to rebuild and possibly seek a cure.
  4. "LOL hanging out in a meth lab. Tweet a picture of your favorite meth lab!" Nice try, cop.
  5. best gaming laptop for your money? I have a toshiba satellite piece of poop i've been using for school/work. i obviously don't need like a top of the line alienware butttttt middle of the line should do fine. I only play CS:S anyways. HALP HALP street iz dumb. but alive.
  7. Riddle Me That This Here Picture Is Taken From Whereat? 1000 points to whoever gets it right. Photo taken in HDR. NO CHEATING! In other news, where is Venom? Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  8. Vernazza Harbor, Cinque Terre, Italy Partial panorama using my terribad digital camera, but stitched together and spiffed up in Photoshop CS5. STREET LETHAL IS STILL ALIVE. And misses you.
  9. The internet in the Czech Republic is slow. DISCUSS.
  10. I remember when D3n and TiberianSun used to be BFF's....
  11. Oooooh sick idea. I'm no mixology expert so I won't be offering a specific recipe but I have some basic ideas: Instead of tonic being watered-down and see-through we could just use tonic water. As for the burning taste I would assume alcohol already burns fairly enough. For the color red, cranberry juice would work well, or if you wanted an actual liquor, Grand Marnier Rouge is very red. Or any liquor that cranberry juice can mask up honestly. Just some ideas
  12. Street LOVES the cock!

  13. Did Vandium and DJ2 finally get married, adopt children, and go away? Any answer would be appreciated. -St.