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    69.00 USD 

SELERY last won the day on December 5 2020

SELERY had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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    The best coast
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  • Bio
    -Staying away from 2021 bs
    -My dogs <3
    -Resident home improvement specialist. Pm me if you need help with cabinets, blinds, or appliances
    -Tea and coffee
    -Marching Band
    -Interior design
    -All good vibes, no bad ones in the first place
    -Great music

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  • Minecraft

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  1. sel "out" ery

    1. SELERY


      fox "headass" 

  2. You guys remember the summer when pokemon go was released? 

    Good times 

    1. brgr.
    2. Kenji


      Surprisingly the hype died down fast, but it was chaos.

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  4. Happy birthday! :pepper:

    1. SELERY


      Thanks man :nod:

  5. Happy Birthday!

    1. SELERY


      Thanks mason :nod:

  6. Happy Birthday! 

    1. Miles


      Happy Birthday! 

  7. PSA

    Seems like there's a new flood of scammers on steam lately. Here's some tips to keep your accounts safe;

    -Don't click on any weird links, even if it's from someone on your friends list 

    -If your friend is sending weird links, contact them on discord or the forums to let them know their account might be compromised 

    -Only make item trades through steam

    -If anything sounds too good to be true, it is, no one is trading skins for a loss

    -Csgo tournaments don't require any kind of voting 

    -If there was actually an issue with your steam account, valve would send you an email, not a "steam admin" 

    -Only log into your steam account on trusted websites. If in doubt, Google the website name first to check its legitimacy

    -2 Factor won't protect you when you use one of these fake steam log ins. They use bots to copy your credentials including the steam guard key and log in while the key is still valid

    -If your account did get compromised, make sure to change the password for any account that uses the same login password, especially your email

    -While you're at it, look into a password manager to make all your accounts more secure 

    Stay safe guys! 

  8. As far as I know, there's no one in hg atm that can make a custom player model. I recommend checking out fiverr, there's a couple artists on there that work on gmod player models. Your other option would be to download blender and make it yourself. Blender is a free open source 3d modeling program that has community made add-ons to export to source games. Good luck!
  9. My rides; 2001 Honda Civic Ex, 162k miles and counting 1996 Geo Tracker, 62k miles and counting I've done quite a bit of work to the tracker; rust correction, new carpet, new seat belts, sound system, security system, powered locks, new headlights. Gotta love a fun project car, but at the end of the day the civic is the og and my go to daily driver.
  10. snr3dnm4yso61.thumb.jpg.5d7ac50322d916bd7e1003d83197239a.jpg

    1. bobbythed


      This is what we had to use before the invention of discord, you've got a real piece of history there!

  11. Looking great man! Just some advice, when it comes to old nostalgic maps like crackhouse it's important to not change too much. Change too many textures, or adjust the brushes too much from the original and it looses that feeling that players want from a map like crackhouse. If they wanted a well balanced map they would be on dust 2. Sometimes it's better to edit the original map to keep the spacing and feeling the same. Remaking the map from scratch will take significantly more time, if you're committed I highly suggest using the original map as a reference so that it retains the same vibes. It's an old map, on an old server, in an old game. Any new map is gonna get backlash, but don't let it discourage you. Good luck!
  12. Tophatwaffle, 3kliksphilip, and world of level design are all great resources. Hammer ++ is absolutely amazing, but hasn't been released for csgo yet. You will have to use normal hammer for csgo, you can download the sdk by following this https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Authoring_Tools#Downloading_and_Installation If you are considering really getting into hammer I highly recommend keeping your custom assets in individual folders to prevent auto packing issues in the future. If you don't, you'll end up with map files packed full of unnecessary textures which will make it too large for fast dl. This is the one thing I regret not doing when I started. You can find a tutorial here https://www.tophattwaffle.com/custom-content-without-contamination/ Mapping discord are a great resource. You can always search old conversations and ask hammer pros when you get stuck. Here's my list of discords; https://discord.com/invite/unqF28r this is map core, they're more focused around clean competitive csgo maps, but are great for learning optimization and detailing along with modeling https://discord.gg/sourceengine the source engine discord, the resources channel is an ongoing list of helpful resources https://discord.gg/zVRDgWU the hammer editor discord, this is the best place imo to ask about custom community maps A great way to learn is by finding something you want to do on an existing map and decompling it to see how they made it inside hammer. For that you'll need bsp source https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/BSPSource The default compiler is alright, but I recommend compile pal since it's easier to use and let's you adjust how many cpu cores it uses. https://compilepal.ruar.ai/ You will also want a packing program. Compile pal has an automatic one, but sometimes you'll have to add or remove an asset manually. For that I recommend VIDE https://www.tophattwaffle.com/downloads/vide/ If you're looking for free custom textures this is a good place to start https://www.textures.com/category/brick/1 You'll have to convert them to vmt, I wrote a guide here If you have any questions, feel free to message me on discord