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Jason Smith

Friend of HG
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    Ripon, CA

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Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/10)



  1. Does HG do Blizard WoW or Molten? I am asking becasue I want to be apart of HG's WoW but not if its blizzard wow i just dont have the money to shell out $15/month. So i am hoping thats its not real wow but if it is i have no problem with that i just wont be apart of HG's WoW stoof
  2. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike (Global Offensive / Source) In-Game Name Subzerø ж Location Ripon, California How old are you? 17 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? CSS Jailbreak How long have you been playing on our server(s)? 5 years What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_0:1:32915537 Why do you want to join HG? Becasue i love the severs and want to get involved All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? -- Any other information you want to include is welcome I luv bewbs
  3. hey anyone play Dawn of War? i wanna know because i can't be the only one and i really want to try out the co-op campaign now that its not Games for Windows anymore and im talking about Dawn of War II - Retribution so if you do wanna try it please send me your steam name and ill contact you or just meet me when im in teamspeak
  4. -hg- Clan Application [CSS] Division Counter-Strike Source Have you completed all required steps above? Yes In-Game Name Jason Smith Location Ripon, CA How old are you? 17 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? JB, Crackhouse, and GunGame How long have you been playing on our server(s)? like 3 years What is your Steam ID? STEAM_0:1:32915537 Why do you want to join HG? I was a member 2years ago but my PC blow up so i couldnt play steam but now i have a brand new PC so im back! > All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply)? No. Any other information you want to include is welcome Meep
  5. Has anyone played MAT: Mission Against Terror? is it legit? do i have to buy it/pay-to-play? is it any good? -Smith
  6. yea i lied ill admit but i lied because i dont want to spend over $100 on a single program + i thought asking for something illegal in fourms would get me banned so i thought this "What if i just say i lost a photoshop so i can someone to get it for me so i dont get banned"
  7. lol wow dude just because i dont feel like replying to every post im lieing? lol wtf dude?
  8. Jason Smith


    hey guys i have a Q how do people make it so they have there like AIM ID their Skype stuff etc.?
  9. thx man i used like 2.... but thx
  10. but then i would need to find someone to do that and i dont think anyone would do it. unless u wanna be nice
  11. i tryed that but Adobe wont let sign in at all!!!! it says account "in-active" :mad:
  12. yea but i just trust photoshop more then gimp
  13. hey everyone, i bought a photoshop and then my hardrive got fucked up and now i cant get into it so now im on my laptop and it sux but it would be better if i had my photoshop but Adobe wont give me another copy unless i buy it :mad: and that not happening :mad: so does anyone know of a way to get a free FULL version of photoshop i dont really care which one but CS3+ would be nice