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  1. Oh damn! That was a hella long time dude! i got vet and division advisor in that time. :o

  2. I was locked in my fap cave. And my comp broke :( Now it WORKS!

  3. HOLY SHIT! BEN! Where have you been?

  4. Ill be gone for a bit. I'll be back
  5. Hey dude can you help with something? Has to do with a car Oh and btw is that a b series integra motor in your avatar?

  6. Samsung Galaxy Indulge 4G. Metro 4g I have to admit is pretty good
  7. Crewcabanger, IF he was still here Oh and
  8. My rig finally died, yep. Making some money to build an uber shweet rig that will pwn. So till then peace, hope to be back on css soon.