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    cK Amazing

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  1. holy fuck... a week away and gjam becomes like a fucking millionare.. congratz
  2. Yeah... Archery <3 http://imgur.com/15hEg Felt like a champ- Straight f**king A's http://imgur.com/lYZjf
  3. I think a Saxton Hale server would definitely help popularize our servers! It has become quite the favorite game type. With the ponies, the majority of them are just used to make the bosses/games more interesting (with different taunts and whatnot) but instead of promoting My Little Pony, maybe we could look into different kinds of bosses.
  4. I know, im asking for the hypothetical, if you had money to spend, how much would you be willing to give for my backpack?
  5. i <3 you GJam. Yeah, i dont think i am going to get the full $387.54 haha. How much would YOU pay for my bp?
  6. Cash would be appreciated, willing to take ref/keys.
  7. It does, my unusuals listed as 1.5-2 buds each. (i have 2 of them )
  8. Apparently my backpack is priced at around $400, do you guys think that's a good pricing?
  9. Headband: Yeah, loool, over 2000 hours played man good times. GJam: yes please!!! Brian: Alright, thanks for the website!
  10. As another year passes and as I move into the most stressful year of my high school career, I was planning on selling everything in my BP (except for maybe a few items when I play every once in a while) and I was wondering what would/could be the fastest way to get my BP out there and also get a solid price on it. All in all, looking for a good, safe way to sell my BP (not even all at once) for the maximum USD$$. Please leave your opinions/offers (if you want to buy anything in my backpack) below. My BP: http://www.tf2items.com/id/hgbrag
  11. Maybe a floater like stormy or blizzardy? The scorching rules out any "light up ones" (beams, plasmas, energies)