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  • Location
    Cary, North Carolina, United States
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  • Interests
    Bowling, Watching Movies and Tv, Hanging Out With My Girlfriend, Hanging Out With My Friends, Cyclin
  • Bio
    Treat me the way you want me to treat you. http://formspring.me/Ratty186Loves to have a good time and make new friends. You

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  1. Happy Birthday

  2. Name: Stev-o Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:12151619 Sever: HG Surf Reason: Aimbot Proof: Demo http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/eo/stevo.dem
  3. nahh. just a big fan \m/ (>.<) \m/ and im starting to learn bass and learn Orion as well

  4. Metallica!!!!

    You play any guitar? I love playing suicide & redemption

  5. Ratty


    ahhh but cookiemonster wasnt >.>
  6. Ratty


    haha try being the tuba play while the loading crew is screaming at you to pack up your instrument asap >.<
  7. Ratty


    for those of you who think its easy...watch this [YOUTUBE]6WWmM1jpM8I[/YOUTUBE]
  8. Ratty


    For the past 3 weeks, i had to get up at 6, go to practice at 7 outside all day and not get home till dark which is about 8:30-9pm. So far there has been no rain, the heat index is over 100 and its been between 90 and 100 degrees almost every day. I play sousa so it makes it that much harder for me. and also, dont go judging people about band until you have actually been in it yourself.
  9. Ratty


    Nice. Our show this year will kick ass though >
  10. Ratty


    It took me a while to find it...but i found our last years show ^.^ if any of you are somewhat interested in it you can watch the 9:30 video. Also, if you pause at 0:30, im the Tuba player farthest to the right [YOUTUBE]40sNFX8Luos&playnext=1&videos=e1MJkE4Hvrk[/YOUTUBE]
  11. I play tuba so i carry around a 40lb piece of scrap metal on my shoulders for at least 10 hours a day...so yes, i am in the marching band
  12. Hey guys! its that time of year again! im off to band camp then to start off the Marching Band season which wont end till November-ish. I wont be on as frequently as i used to but i will come on once in a while. Cya guys on CSS and vent