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  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. I am a Calgarian man. Nenshi is my friends uncle. It gets extremely cold here in the winter.
  3. Strats left. I am not sure if you know or not.
  4. You are gay. Strats got vacced and has now left HG. John is staff. We have an esea team. That is all that I know.
  5. JhaJha


    Happy 16th Birthday. Have fun. Don't do anything stupid though.
  6. Happy Birthday man. Hope you have fun.
  7. The woman created her own parking spot using a sheets plastic with painted lines on it. She also put up a parking permitted sign up on the post.
  8. It sounds like Reload. Anyone who knows Reload would know that I speak the truth.
  9. JhaJha

    Dont accuse.

    There is nothing wrong with accusing someone. Everyone has the right to their opinion.
  10. JhaJha


  11. JhaJha

    HG upgrade?

    What the fuck... What is that?
  12. JhaJha

    HG upgrade?

    I only see 3 pages. You should change your settings so there you see more posts per page. Update: I have been informed that what I thought was the upgrade is wrong, so I have no idea what the upgrade is unless my informants were tricking me.
  13. JhaJha


    How... I am confused... Where did she go?
  14. JhaJha

    HG upgrade?

    I think I know what the upgrade is.