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  1. meh. w/e. this is institutionalized high-horse bs. Some members get a free pass to be tyrants and others don't. in the end, enforcement is selective and always has been. I witness people acting poisonous all the time. and most of them are council or staff. Im done arguing. I never should have come back. thx for reminding me why...
  2. meh. ive been getting all kinds of flack from members. I get invited to 10man and people call me bad when I have 200 ping and they get pissed off that im not a leage quality player in 10 mans with 200 ping. Lax on like the 2nd day I was back was shitting all over me. I watched this passive agressive thing with Nick and apoc, this person "Guy" in 10 mans is equally poisonous... I found a community full of adults that play casually. Im too busy doing other shit to witness all this poison. this is stupid...
  3. he even asked you what he did wrong and talked to me about trying to understand what he did. All you did was leave the channel when he asked you about it. if its not worth resolving, try not being poisonous enough to be a dick in the first place... this place is retarded... full of bullys.
  4. meh, you guys ban Pavin, you ban Headshot. I get bullied every day from lots of HG vets and members in any server im in. Maybe ill leave again too. This seems more like a selective type of harrassment than an enforcement of any rules. Last week I witnessed real childish bullying in 10 mans between Nick and Apoc. Apoc did nothing and was being treated like a bitch. Im tired of watching this shit. and I am consistantly dumbfounded that I have hope about this place every time I return. I'll Cancel my admin for Office. I found another community anyway... Stop selectively enforcing rules you children...
  5. Slop Slapping Champion!

  6. no hockey FOX lol.

  7. FYI folks. Im not playing W.O.W ever again but im still playing CSS. Never really left css. Anywhoo. say HI TO ME!
  8. vent admins shouldnt ban other vent admins tho :(

  9. dude i have no idea whats happening with you right now, I just wanted to joke with you and tell you u is gay.

    Again: No idea whats going on.

  10. I know you like Hockey......