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    Federal Government

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Advanced Member (3/10)



  1. Work on your picking style. Getting comfortable holding the pick on upstrokes and downstrokes. Also I would utilize a metronome of sorts and practice playing simple scales. Start slow, and work your way up the tempo so you build your speed and finger dexterity.
  2. I said I was back last year, but was prepping for a 9 month deployment. Back for good, and out of the Army for good (thank god). Good to see some familiar faces and I look forward to chatting it up and even more so, playing. See you all around the game block.
  3. More like DorkZeUs<3

  4. Happy Birthday

  5. I'm moved in my new house, 50 mb/s connection. I'm back in the game baby! Ok, who still plays Source?! lol.
  6. WHOOOOH! Happy birthday!

  7. Just letting everyone know that I relocated safe and sound. New job rocks, and I am building a house. So I will be back, up in running in 4 months (estimated build time). Likeasomebodeyyyy... Peace.
  8. Thank you all! :)

  9. Happy Birthday man