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  • Location
    Crystal Lake, IL
  • Occupation
    (Sadly) McDonalds Employee
  • Interests
    Playing guitar, video games, reading, movies (BIG TIME), hanging with my buds and GF.

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  1. Zekk

    Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Ztarp

  3. Happy birthday!!!!

  4. Wow. Hippie he used astericks. Not only that but you warned him for what? He asked you what you warned him for and you being the big bad admin said really want to argue. That is threatening. You are implying that you are going to use your powers on him. I'd be pretty pissed myself. He was justified in saying fuck off.
  5. Was there a reason this was bumped? Any new evidence to bring against me? I'm not admin anymore because of things like this. So you don't need to worry about me.
  6. Hey guys. I thought I canceled my account and I guess I didn't. I really can't pay for admin anymore and need to cancel it. How do I do that? Thanks for the help.
  7. Zcarp

    Help With Vent

    It's still not letting me.
  8. Zcarp

    Help With Vent

    Hey. Just re downloaded Vent and it says my password is incorrect. Can any help me please?
  9. No I didn't know that what I did was wrong. I didn't think I bent the rules. I know there is a rule in motd that states AFKs can be killed but I wasn't AFK. Like I said in my earlier post ts have been using this strategy for a while and I NEVER killed a t who hid out. So this is the verdict and to whoever posted this abuse thread I apologize. I didn't know that ts couldn't hid out till lr and I didn't know that cts could just kill ts. Could somebody fix the motd then?
  10. CTs may only be in vents and armory to kill rebels or escort disobeyers, freekill rules still apply I enforce this rule. If a CT came in to ESCORT me I would've left but the CT just came in and killed me. ANY T could've came in to vents and hid and if a CT killed them I would've enforced the rule. The CT freekilled me so I killed him. Dynasty has it right. CTs CANNOT FREEKILL, do not kill a player just for the fun of it, they must have hostile intent. There was no hostile intent. I didn't even have a gun. Hiding until LR is a strategy many Ts use to stay alive. It's been acceptable since I started playing months ago.
  11. What? I didn't give an order as a t. I gave an order as AN ADMIN! I told them they could not KILL a T in vents. Bring up the MOTD and I will show you the rule there. Did no one read my post?
  12. How so? He dies either way. I just wanted something to make ME feel better.
  13. Can you just please remove it from my menu. It's too tempting.
  14. How was it abuse. Either way he was going to die. By slay or slap. I chose slap because I was pissed that I was free killed so I drew it out for my pleasure.