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  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    Nursing Student
  • Interests
    Gaming, hanging with the bf, reading, movies.
  • Bio

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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. I lie to you and let you down and now your gone please come back. Shame on me not on you.

  2. I'm lookin' right at the other half of me. The vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you hold. <3

  3. So I'm making a slow come back to Hg and minecraft. I joined originally back in 2011. It seems like everyone I know is gone :/ So I guess I'll just tell a little about me. My name is Alichino (Ali for short) I'm 20 years old and I live in Texas. Minecraft is my preferred game, so you can usually find me in the minecraft channel on TS or in game as alichino911. As of right now, I don't have a mic (sorry you can't hear my wonderful voice /sarcasm) but I may or may not get one in the near future. I'm currently a nursing student, studying for my RN/BSN. That's pretty much it I guess. 'Sup guise.
  4. Longtime ¥ ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alichino


      I don't have $15,000 to 'create' a town. So I just live all alone in my underground fortress and hope no one griefs me ):

    3. No!


      I'll come help you what times usually on

    4. Alichino


      Ususally Tuesdays/Thursdays 11-3ish. Mon/Wed/Fri 3ish and Sat/Sun 11-3ish

  5. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Minecraft In-Game Name Alichino911 Location Golden Triangle, Texas How old are you? 20 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? Minecraft world server How long have you been playing on our server(s)? A while, took a break for a bit though What is your Steam ID / GUID? 0:21561006 Why do you want to join HG? Well I was a member a while back, but life caught up to me and I got busy and demoted :/ I would like to play minecraft again, although I am rather behind on what kind of updates they have done. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Nope Any other information you want to include is welcome Well it has been so long since I've been on TS and even minecraft I'm really kind of rusty. I feel like a complete noob ): I am/can be on TS, I think I threw away my mic while spring cleaning last year but I may get a new one soon. But yea, my name is Lauren, I'm 20 years old and I really have no life between nursing school, my boyfriend, and this computer. Just let me know if there's something you want to know/need me to do.
  6. Because I haven't posted a picture since 3/17/11 and I am going to try to be around more often.
  7. Go to class...Come home, piddle around on the net/nap.
  8. Sorry you had to be in that place, we <3 you here u kno...

  9. The most frustrating thing I have to deal with right now is my inability to drive. I'm stuck at home 24 hours a day pretty much (My parents work all day) and all my friends are away at college. So I try to find little ways of entertaining myself but its very VERY hard. Especially if I'm in a hypomanic episode.
  10. Well I hope it wouldn't concern a would be employer. As I've been on the other side and I want to be the most helpful pharmacist I can be and do psychiatric pharmaceutical research. If all that fails I have my minor in psychology to fall back on and maybe be a psychiatrist or a psychologist.
  11. I don't remember when I first started feeling symptoms all I know is that I knew something was off at the age of 10 so I tried to kill myself and almost succeeded if it wasn't for the hospital visit that night. The episode that lead to me being hospitalized in january was the fact that not only do I have severe treatment resistant depression but I was coming off effexor, which is a hell of a drug. It sent me into all kinds of mood cycles. My current career path is that of a chemist/pharmacist. I have no desire whatsoever to do anything with hollywood.
  12. The drunkness isn't fun in the way that I feel no effect from it only other people notice that I'm slurring my words. I do stumble around, my balance is horrid and all that nonsense though.