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Do you have any tattoos??


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I am thoroughly addicted to tattoos. I'm curious, how many HG peeps have some ink? POST HERE!

1.) Post the number of tattoos if applicable.

2.) Post pictures of them individually, unless you have too many.

3.) Feel free to explain the reasoning for the tattoo or story behind it.




I have 2 tattoos. Both on my right forearm.

My first tattoo was a ambigram (reads upside down and rightside up) script of the words; "Carpe Diem" which is Latin for Seize the Day.

Every year since 7th grade up until this year, I have had a friend take their own life or have passed away at a very young age. I got this tattoo as a reminder that, we need to take advantage of the time that we have. Not only to do what we want in this life, but make an impact with what we do.




My second tattoo, has been in the works for a few months now. I do not plan on sharing the reasoning behind this tattoo.


But my friend worked at a local tattoo shop and left it due to some manager issues or something. But he got his own shop right down the street from it pretty much. We had been talking about doing this one for about a year or so before I actually got it. Just kind of brainstorming and thinking up ideas. It just so happens that he had alot of left over ink and supplies from the previous shop and wanted to practice and do a tattoo in the new shop. So I got a free outline of it. I just need to pay for coloring.


Keep in mind it's not finished at all.



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Looks good... Agreed on the first tattoo, we have those issues in the Military...


Thank you! That's in part, a reason why I have so much respect for the people in the Military.

I also wanted to join, but I couldn't because I couldn't physically meet the requirements of basic training. (I can't run, or carry alot of weight). So I tip my hat to any Soldier.

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I have always liked tattoos but I don't want to ruin my body for the rest of my life. When I'm like 60 I can't imagine running around with a tattoo..

If anything at all it will have to mean something to me, it will have to be special if I ever get one.. Like, something to do with let's say, my kid, or my parents, or whatever has happened to me in my life..

Not just like "oh I like this soccer team, let's get a tattoo across my entire under arm for it" like my brother did..

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im getting a triforce on my wrist like this but gold[ATTACH=CONFIG]7689[/ATTACH]


I have one like this on my arm below my shoulder: http://www.adisc.org/forum/attachments/computers-gaming/409d1242117219-how-would-triforce-symbol-look-case-triforce1.jpg


From a business standpoint, a lot of older people do not like tattoos. If you want to go into a professional position in the long run, I highly recommend getting the tattoo somewhere you can hide it.

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I have a tattoo on my inner thigh that i gave myself when i was 17.

Now it looks like i have pieces of asphalt stuck in my leg.


Anywho, I've actually started designing tattoos for people and will help anybody iron out some designs if they want:D

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Something I would want to get is Long Beach on my body. That's the city I represent and always will love. This is something special to me because I grew up in this place since forever and I don't plan on leaving unless I have to. Other than that, I rep my city hard as a muthafucker. I'm in love every bit of diverse cultures we have here. And I also want to get a quote.. but I don't know what.. It's hard.



prius name too. HAHAHAH

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