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HG Veteran
  • Donor Level 8
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    25.00 USD 

About Doobie

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    Not Telling
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  • Occupation
    Lab Tech
  • Interests
    CSGO, CSS, D3, COD, GA, Fracture, Monkey

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Omniscient Member

Omniscient Member (10/10)



  1. I'm still waiting for HG league to come out... : (

  2. I hope you turned out ok, I know you are highly educated. You should be a lawyer or something by now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prius
    3. Doobie


      Gratz on your pro casting career prius, didnt forget about you chief.

    4. ttaM


      This is my status\

  3. How's life been for ya bud!!

  4. whats up dawg

    1. SyNc


      damnnnn wassup my dood!! how you been buddy!!!

  5. whats up homie, how you livin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doobie


      pretty good, are you a god at csgo now :P

    3. bigjohnMS


      shoot im a jack of all trades and a master of known

    4. bigjohnMS


      where u been at brother miss ya man!!!

  6. Happy birthday

  7. Had the original black but did have gold edition ocarina of time.
  8. hey man, we still gotta play sometime I just was busy IRL. Hit me up next time you're on.

  9. LOL at 0:35 old ass guy "Sup bro"
  10. Thanks for stopping by, welcome to the forums.
  11. +1, Surf DM with our HG geforce map brought over to csgo.