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8 Years of HG

Homer By Homer, in HeLLsGamers News, , 80 comments, 8270 views



Congratulations everyone! Today is our 8 year anniversary since HellsGamers was founded. Lets hear your story since joining the HellsGamers community.


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I joined hg when i was looking for good servers, good thing that this was the first thing that popped up :)


My story is not crazy, i met real good friends, helped me out on hard times. Friends who are good people, People liked me and i started feeling better about my self, and i'd like to thank hellsgamers for that. and you homer, for creating this awesome community!



Edited by BukLau
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I joined this community when I played on JB and Iceworld, which was around 3 years ago. Its been really great to have HG in my life

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I joined a few years ago when I was in High School. I started playing CSS JB during school in tech class because we were pretty much left to our own devices. After just a couple days I knew HG was for me and I made my application with people like Blackberry, Bearthug, Sid, Laz, along with some other people, some of whom are here still and some aren't haha.


After my application was accepted I continued to play a ton and got admin after learning some of the ropes, almost 3 years later I have expanded to playing on other HG servers across games like Gmod and tf2, got global admin and hope to continue to grow and contribute what I can to the community throughout the years because I'm here for the long haul.

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Came across your Zs server back in December, I liked the community so I joined. The only way you're getting me out is by perma banning me so have fun with that.

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It actually started on a rainy day in January 3 years ago, i was bored of playing on my PS3 and i grew up playing/watching with my dad, so i got on my computer started looking for good servers when i found HG's Iceworld and Crackhouse, i loved it, i stop playing CSS for a long time then i came back again when i was really bored and found JB then i learned about the Community and i joined it and ever since i love being a part of this great community

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Free admin to everyone? YEAY! anyway

I joined this community when I played on JB and Iceworld, which was around 3 years ago. Its been really great to have HG in my life

Dats pretty much my story, beside, i had an IRL problem so i kinda turn my back on HG. Now im back and wont leave for a long time.

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It was in 2010 , My steam account was 1 year old , and I was intrested in Zombie Escape/Mode and also Jailbreak , I always went to unpopulated servers then my friend Ceiling cat invited me to play hg office with him and he switched to jailbreak , I saw how populated it was then joined in and started playing but now I am not a jailbreaker anymore , just a gmodder lol

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I joined this community when I played on JB and Iceworld, which was around 3 years ago. Its been really great to have HG in my life

Dats pretty much my story, beside, i had an IRL problem so i kinda turn my back on HG. Now im back and wont leave for a long time.

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ive been on the servers for around a year now and i wanted to join the community so here i am! congrats HG :D many more years to come

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First came about HG through the mini-games server, I was admin for several months, Back then the mini-games community rarely saw a HG leadership or even a member, Eventually I found the HellsGamers PERP server, After several months of the same thing I played ZS, I was dedicated to ZS for a long time, Eventually Rizon found me noticed my dedication to HG and gave me a chance. This is the story of my life in HG.

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started out in HG in jailbreak, after being in a couple of jailbreak servers and only new in the PC gaming community I decided to join the server with the most tags on it like fastDL and stuff like that. Found the jailbreak server and have played it ever since

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inb4 long story. I joined way back in 09, started on the NTF office server and was able to meet fdhelmin and a few others. My name at the time was fishy --> ( http://hellsgamers.c...ser/1143-fishy/ ) After about a year of being in HG I quit and experimented with making clans (not a good idea). AFter about 2 months of not playing on hellsgamers I came back in 2010 and stuck around for a year, I was promoted to app moderator and was an event manager. after a while I got bored with css and quit hellsgamers (again) to go play gmod. In 2011 I got bored with gmod so I decided to come back to hg, After I came back and rejoined I played for a couple months and ended up getting global banned due to an incident in gmod. 2013 I get unbanned and here I am :) As you can tell I was able to meet a lot of different people and saw a lot of people come and go as well. When I think back on it I should of never left the clan in the first place, who knows where I would've been by now. All I can say is it's been quite a ride and i've enjoyed it, still more to come ;)

Edited by SyNc!
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Started on DarkRP, then made my way into TF2 when I found out it was a multi gaming community. No regrets.

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Started on the CS:S Jailbreak over a year ago, and discovered it when I felt every other JB server out there was completely horrid! As soon as I joined, I realized the environment was extremely fun, the players were outgoing, and all in all every thought remembered is a positive one.


I'm so glad I joined HG, although it was a year ago, I recently became active again just over a month ago.

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Started out on the minigames css server, made alot of friends there, the community looked epic to me and i ended up joining HG.

Congrats to everyone.

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After playing in Dust2 and Surf for a couple years I decided to join HG in 2008. Been playing ever since. Was fortunate enough to become a staff member. HG has grown a lot, despite all the constant threads of of " OMG what's happening to HG!" Had my ups and downs but I'm still here, and so is HG.

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I first found HG on the CSGO JB server, started out in that division then heard about perp. Started playing perp and was addicted so changed to the GMOD division. Recently became a MOD for perp and am very thankful to be in the community. Thanks to Icon and Shoubakka for getting me started in both servers.

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