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Counter Strike Direction

mccaincracker By mccaincracker, in HeLLsGamers News, , 23 comments, 54070 views

Check out this article to see some of the things we have planned in the future, and to also make some suggestions of what you'd like to see in the future!

With the recent release of CS:GO, we're expanding more and gaining new members. Here's what to expect from the counter-strike guys in the upcoming weeks.

  • More Events for both CS:S and CS:GO ( be sure to post your ideas here! http://hellsgamers.c...44-event-ideas/)
  • Server Population - This is where we need your help, try exploring new servers, inviting friends, even just idling on different servers while away helps!
  • Recruiting - If you're a CS:GO regular you may have noticed the lack of server-side advertisements. These servers are still undergoing tweaks and fixes. If there's a player that you see in a server all the time, why not see if they're interested in HG? whether you just strike up a conversation with them or have a bind with the website URL are good ways to get our name out there.
  • As hinted in several forum topics and discussion a new premium mod is in the works, release TBA
  • Server expansion - Homer plans on expanding some of the servers, particularly in CS:GO due the the success thus far

Have any questions or comments? post below.


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Great post, thanks for putting this up. We'd love to hear more from the community, as mccain has posted in this thread, so let's hear some ideas from all of you!

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i enjoy the direction that HG is going in as a whole, it's the best gaming community to grace the interwebs!

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Great Article mccain, we've got to get involved with the CS HG community.


Events - Yes, we do need to get a bunch of events going, maybe 2 per month as a minimum. And we as members can't take the easy way out and suggest an event just for the purpose of populating a server. We need some new, fresh and fun ideas that the community (not just our division) will enjoy as a whole.


Recruiting - I am personally looking to not just help recruit for CS:GO, but also give it my all to populate them upon my purchase of CS:GO (hopefully next week). As we know, it is growing rapidly and thus is the reason Staff had decided to have seperate divisions for GO and Source, making RageQuit the first advisor for the division.


I will throw up messages on steam, twitter; and maybe even to go as far as posting up some statuses on Facebook to promote our two CS divisions.


New Premium - Looking forward to seeing what has been added, will definitely test out the new features and provide feedback.


Expansion Expansion of CS:GO will be a great help, I assume all HG members and friends alike are recommended to come forward with any possible ideas for new servers, aside from those in which we have currently in CS:S (BHop, Death Run, etc)

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The one thing I think that GO needs the most, is more higher up admins (dA+) everytime i go in there, its a bunch of nonsense. admins not doing they're job, people being racist & such. I'll be posting abuse reports and t-listing them freekillers as much as possible.

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I think we have sufficient staff to cater for CS:GO, seeing as they were combined divisions, some of the CS:S leadership will most probably still visit CS:GO servers until it's own division and leadership is developed.

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Give me leadership in CSGO


I think we have sufficient staff to cater for CS:GO, seeing as they were combined divisions, some of the CS:S leadership will most probably still visit CS:GO servers until it's own division and leadership is developed.

The thing is, CS:S leadership barely visit the CSGO servers, as martin said, when i join jb or crackhouse in csgo there's a bunch of paid admins (some of them in HG not giving out names) that when i come they are abusing their powers and when i tell them to stop they're like FUCK THAT DUDE

Edited by Dolan
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Dolan, I do understand where you are coming from, for now now though, we will have to deal with it in its current state until a full CS.GO leadership roster is developed.


I will attempt to help as quickly as possible, quite eager to get my hands on a copy of CS:GO.


Until we regularly have "good" admins or staff online. We will have to deal with these power hungry admins by way of reports, I'd think that half of them just purely don't know all the rules in which HG have set in stone. So giving them a run through of rules will probably prevent a few issues in the near future.

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Dolan, I do understand where you are coming from, for now now though, we will have to deal with it in its current state until a full CS.GO leadership roster is developed.


I will attempt to help as quickly as possible, quite eager to get my hands on a copy of CS:GO.


Until we regularly have "good" admins or staff online. We will have to deal with these power hungry admins by way of reports, I'd think that half of them just purely don't know all the rules in which HG have set in stone. So giving them a run through of rules will probably prevent a few issues in the near future.

if people would actually read the motd we wouldnt have any problems. people dont know the rules and jump on ct their first time playing

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Most of my hours in CSGO are spent on jailbreak. in fact, I don't know how you guys are able to make these speculations when most of the HG players on that server are recruits who originated from there.


@Dolan - don't ask for leadership positions they are rewarded based upon merits, activity, and trustworthiness, and other factors from the perspective division. You also claim to see people abusing, you've been here plenty long enough to file an abuse report rather than making claims here without any up porting evidence

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Most of my hours in CSGO are spent on jailbreak. in fact, I don't know how you guys are able to make these speculations when most of the HG players on that server are recruits who originated from there.

its not just jailbreak, its Office & the other DM server too. but its not as bad as i expressed i guess. just other players, even the recruits on jailbreak say they need higher up's all the time.

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As far as GO goes, im pretty sure when CSS first started it wasn't a walk in the park. Im sure if we give it sometime, Valve (There are many bugs and things they have to fix in GO) and our staff here will eventually get it right.


But some more events please.

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If you guys could calm down the lag spikes on office dm and dust2 dm, I'd love you so hard. Looks good in the way it's going though.

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Minigames! I would love for it to be populated and more events on other servers that are not jailbreak

yes MG never has people in it ;_;

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well for counter strike source i think for the jail braek server we should hav like a server 1 time every year come up and the gangs that wanna face each other will fight to see whos better kinnda like a dodge ball tournment but its a gang tournment lol i did design a whole set up for it but i didnt have permisstion to put HG in the groups name so i shut it down XP

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Great read, Sir. I have, however, been hearing mixed reviews on CS:GO. Some people like it, some people hate it. I might buy the game soon to try it out to see how it works. I might flash back and forth between CS:GO Jailbreak and CS:S Jailbreak if it's decent enough. Anyways, off to work with me!

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I've noticed in GO that there are not much GOOD and fun 24/7 dust2/office/nuke maps. Are there any hopes of opening such servers?

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@Dolan - don't ask for leadership positions they are rewarded based upon merits, activity, and trustworthiness, and other factors from the perspective division. You also claim to see people abusing, you've been here plenty long enough to file an abuse report rather than making claims here without any up porting evidence

i know bro i was just joking

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