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HG Anti-Harassment Policy.

Wabbit By Wabbit, in HeLLsGamers News, , 37 comments, 4774 views

All members of the HellsGamers community, including anyone ranging from a friend of HG to Council, are required to abide by our Anti-Harassment Policy when present in any server sponsored by HellsGamers or an affiliate community while representing us. Administrators have pledged to oversee the implementation and enforcement of these rules to ensure an open, fun and engaging playing environment for people from all walks of life. By being present in any server sponsored by HellsGamers or an affiliate community while representing us, you recognize the following statements to be true:




HeLLsGamers Anti-Harassment Policy


All members of the HellsGamers community, including anyone ranging from a friend of HG to Council, are required to abide by our Anti-Harassment Policy when present in any server sponsored by HellsGamers or an affiliate community while representing us. Administrators have pledged to oversee the implementation and enforcement of these rules to ensure an open, fun and engaging playing environment for people from all walks of life. By being present in any server sponsored by HellsGamers or an affiliate community while representing us, you recognize the following statements to be true:

  • Harassment is behavior of an unwelcome or offensive nature towards a targeted person or people.
  • Harassment based upon an individual's sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion or any other personal characteristics will not be tolerated.
  • Harassment based upon an individual's standing within the community, including their community rank (Friend of HG, recruit, etc.), their management rank (staff, division leader, etc.), or their social standing will not be tolerated.

Failure to abide by these rules will result in disciplinary action, the terms of which will be determined by the administrator presiding over the case.


If you need to file a complaint against another individual who has violated this code of conduct, please fill out a complaint form under the report center forum section in the forum index. From there, you will be redirected to the proper authorities who will review the contents of the report and assign a verdict once a decision has been made. You may choose to maintain the confidentiality of your identity to all parties involved, except for the presiding administrator reviewing the report.


HellsGamers prides itself in its commitment to promoting the equal treatment and representation of all members of the community, while denouncing harassment of any kind, including racism and the use of any racist terms.




I hope this is clear for everybody! We don't support or encourage this type of behavior!

From Council to Recruits, we all are Representing HG!. Please wear our Tags with Pride and Professionalism!


We encourage and support a positive environment! HG is growing, Lets all be part of a positive community and Have Fun!


Let me know if you have any questions!


Thank you for your time!


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That does sound fantastic, to be able to play without having to worry about my choices in life or because I was born somewhere completely different from everyone else or because of my accent. =D

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One of the rules on HG mentions "no sexual harassment of female players", and as a male victim of sexual harassment, I wish the rule would be extended to male players, because they deserve to be free from sexual harassment just like women.

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Having written the policy in the OP, any form of harassment on the basis of the listed requisites, including gender, is already considered to be unruly and out of line. If another policy exists somewhere that contradicts that, then policy listed in this thread supercedes it, and I recommend staff to change the contradictory policy wherever it's listed. Could you provide a link to where it says females, so staff can change it?




I would have assume it was already out of line, it just upset me because it was a rather stereotypical rule, and makes it look like men can't be the victim in many circumstances. Thank you very much in advance.

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