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Christmas in July

Icon By Icon, in HeLLsGamers News, , 25 comments, 4743 views

Apparently i'm the only person that has heard of this.

Name: Christmas in July!


Why: Because fuck you that's why (not really), and giving back to the community is always fun. Why not celebrate Christmas 5 months early?



  • You may only win ONCE only.

Who can participate: -hg- + [Recruit, Members and Veterans Only] (for those of you wondering people in leadership are still Members/Vets)


How it will work: This is the HG Advent Calendar:













Thanks to for this awesome graphic!


A mission will be given to you and it is your job to complete it.

Each mission will have its own rules. Whoever wins each missionwill get to choose a number on the calendar.

Each time a prize is claimed, a new mission will be given. This will be a month long event.

The prizes for each number has already been selected.


There will be 25 prizes given and beyond two of them will contain...


Fallout 4 Preorder!


So what are you waiting for?

Start completing the mission!



Past winners

Mission #1- Winner: Mizz - Chose #21 - 1,000 Rep.


Mission #2- Winner: Burnt - Chose #12 - Fallout 4!


Mission #3- Winner: Paul - Chose #11 - G2A Gift Card for €3.


Mission #4- Winner: Aerith - Chose #20 - 1,000 Rep.


Mission #5- Winner: OnGames - Chose #6 - 1,000 Rep.


Mission #6- Winner: Superskreech - Chose #3 - 1,000 Rep.


Mission #7- Winner: FoxHound - Chose #16 - Christmas Coal


Mission #8- Winner: Sirius - Chose #14- 1,000 Rep


Mission #9- Winner: Cosmic - Chose #18- 1,000 Rep


Mission #10- Winner:Hellbringer - Chose #23 - Gone Home!


Mission #11- Winner: Meek - Chose #8 - 25,000 Rep


Mission #12-

xGlitchedGamer - 15

Won 5,000 Rep

Jaspaa - 25

Won Brothers - A tale of two sons game

Yui - 24

Won 1,000 Rep

Soymilk - 9

Won 40,000 credits

Karma - 4

Won 1,000 Rep


Mission #13-

Harpy - 13

Won Ms Splosion Man

Blue - 19

Won 1,000 Rep

Waqlerg - 1

Won 10,000 Rep

Bossdaddy - 22

5€ G2A giftcard


Mission #14 - Kilroy - Chose #10 - Christmas Coal!


Mission #15 -

Poop - 5

Gets to name my M9 Knife.

Mattonlsd - 7

Gets to name my Falchion Knife.

Huejay - 17

1,000 rep


User Feedback

Recommended Comments

So, this is a daily thing? If I miss the first mission, can I still do it a day after its posted? Or once that day is over you can't play that mission?

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So, this is a daily thing? If I miss the first mission, can I still do it a day after its posted? Or once that day is over you can't play that mission?

I wouldn't say it going to be "daily", but you don't have to do every mission. Just do whichever you want. Once the mission is done, you can't do it anymore. Look at each mission for more details.

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We wish you a merry Christmas we wish you a merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy July this looks fun.

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In recent news: Hellgamers give away plagued by scandal and corruption. Tight group of friends on teamspeak win missions 2 and 3. While mission 2 was essentially decided by vote, winner was told #12 held Fallout 4. Mission 3 was even worse were a tight group of friends all in TS were told to post to reach post 10 with Icon advising them of mission thus leaving little to no chance for everyone else to win.

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Winner was told that any number could hold Fallout 4 as he didnt know which exact number held it. Youll notice I chose number 12, which may seem "coincidental" but if you were to look at the date I chose my prize, as well as the number of votes I received on my taco, as well as my birthday(which happens to be the same number as the rest of the items listed) you would understand why the number was chosen. #corrupt....


As far as the gfx team using ts3 to boost themselves a prize, there were no rules not allowing it.


As far as mission 3, I laugh since none of the friends won mission 3.

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In recent news: Hellgamers give away plagued by scandal and corruption. Tight group of friends on teamspeak win missions 2 and 3. While mission 2 was essentially decided by vote, winner was told #12 held Fallout 4. Mission 3 was even worse were a tight group of friends all in TS were told to post to reach post 10 with Icon advising them of mission thus leaving little to no chance for everyone else to win.


HG has always been corrupt. You're a bit late to the party haha.

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