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Mccain's 3 Year Contest

mccaincracker By mccaincracker, in HeLLsGamers News, , 43 comments, 3043 views

Create a short clip for a chance to win a $60 steam game or other prize!

Hey guys, I was going to post this tomorrow but i'm not certain I'll have the time to do so. Tomorrow (Jan 19) marks the date that I registered on the forums, and I applied for recruit 1 month later on the same day (Feb 19). So, to celebrate I'm going to do a contest



The objective is to create a short clip of yourself playing any game, and competing with others to create the best clip. The gameplay can be anything, as long as it's you playing. It can be something funny, interesting, random, or just a clip of something sweet you did in a 10man.



  • Contest begins Jan 19 and ends Feb 19
  • Submissions must be in before midnight Feb 19
  • Winner will recieve a $60 steam game, or something of equal or lesser value. (ex: riot points, hgbux, rep, etc, etc)
  • Depending on the amount of submissions received I will narrow the entries down to either 5 or 10 and hold a poll and have the community decide the winner
  • Polls will be released shortly after submission cutoff and will end sometime between Feb 22-24
  • If there is a submission that I may not fully appreciate (such as something LoL or WoW related) I will ask someone to rate the clip compared to some of the other top submissions
  • Participants must be a recruit or higher


  • Footage may not have already been used in any other videos, and must have been recorded this year (2013)
  • Footage must feature you in some way
  • Clips must be no longer than 3:00 (I dont want to sit there and watch you play an entire match, just make highlights if needed)
  • Submissions MUST be unlisted on youtube and the link to the video pmed to me on the forum (I dont want to discourage anyone if they see anyone elses submissions)
  • If you do not have a youtube account or would rather send me a raw file of the footage that is also acceptable. ( What i mean by this is actual video files such as .AVI, .WMV, .MP4, ETC)
  • If you do send me a raw video file, the size must be no more than 100 MB
  • Cheating will result in instant disqualification (Using gameplay of someone that isn't you, or old footage) and you will not be able to participate in any of my future giveaways (This is my first one, so no guarantees on another)

If you have any questions regarding rule specifics post below or contact me via forums, steam, or ts3.




Here's an example of an entry




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sick contest good luck to everyone!

Last time I tried making a clip I ended up begging you to make it for me so this isn't for me but hey :D And congrats on 3 years mister "big sausage pizza"

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I'm going to do one ten man add dubstep to it and submit.

My bribe will be submitted with my video because i am corrupt.


Isn't everyone in HG corrupt?


I'm corrupt, I pay reddevil off with sex so he doesn't tlist me when I mass FK

Edited by ExGBrian
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If anyone has figured out where the 10man demo's are hosted, please PM me and let me know!


There's a few ways to go about doing it


1.) Record your own demos

2.) PM a CSS dL+ (some other divisions may have the info but i know all the css dL's do.) during or IMMEDIATELY after the 10man ends to ensure we get you the correct demo. This is for your own benefit. If you pm us hours, or even a day later we'll be sending you 20 demos to sift through.

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