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Operation Reboot Dust2

Nite By Nite, in HeLLsGamers News, , 52 comments, 3129 views

Help revive the OG Dust 2 server. There are prizes and events through out the month of February!


Server IP:

Operation Reboot D2


Hello fellow HeLLsGamers!


A long time ago HeLLsGamers use to host one of the most popular dust2 servers. It's a pleasure to say that I'll be over seeing the revival of this.


Mission: To go back to our glory days where we host one of the most populated dust 2 servers on Counter Strike Source.


How: With the support of leadership and YOU (hg recruits, HG members and HG Vets), we will be the foundation with getting this server up and running again. You will help recruit new players as well as set a good example for the community.


When: All of February.


What's in it for you? Prizes. I will be giving away cash for the top 3. We will also be giving free admin for those who help idle and repopulate the servers! Don't worry if you can't spend all day on the servers, I will be doing random prize drawings or anyone who logs a certain amount of hours that month. (Join our community if you are not already to be able to win other prizes and giveaways)



Cash Prizes

(Payment will be paypal so if you do not have paypal make sure you get one. I will also agree to buy you games if you cannot get a paypal)


1. 150

2. 100

3. 50


Game Prizes


5 lucky winners will choose any game of their choice from steam. (Drawings will exclude the top 3)




7 - IDLE

14 - Play


(Click hereto find out about HG BUX and what it can do for you!)


Free admin


To help keep the server running smoothly we will be giving away free admin to members of the HG Community. (This will be determined through out the month, prove your worth)


On the side I'll be holding another contest for anyone who can recruit new members. Let's help grow this community and give players a "home".


Any questions?


PM: Nite aka Phamish, JJK or Homer!


Rules for all Servers

  1. No Cheats, exploits or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  2. No ghosting.
  3. Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.
  4. No harassment, if someone tells you to stop trolling or talking smack, STOP.
  5. Do not be racist or use racist terms! These servers are for everybody.
  6. No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
  7. No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
  8. Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
  9. No name impersonation of ANYONE, especially not HG members.
  10. No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
  11. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.

If you are caught doing any of this you can be disqualified for winning the prizes.



Server IP:


User Feedback

Recommended Comments

i dont wanna brag but ill win this nite so give me the steam game already! i ripped ur ass on the original d2 server ill do it again now!

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Yes. You can still win the prizes even if you're in Europe! You can help keep the server populated in the early mornings!

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1 Day left till this event. So here is what I'm going to do to shake things up. Every week I'm going to donate a small amount to HG to help support the servers but I always want to thank those who participate. So instead of just giving cash prizes at the end, I'm also going to give 25 dollars each week to a random player. You have the chance to win 250 by the end of this contest. Let's continue to support the movement of HG and let's revive this server to its former glory!


Remember, thanks to BonBon, Homer just recently upgraded the server box! We shouldn't experience any lag or problems!


Good luck to all :)

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Details on free admin will be coming up shortly as well.


* There will be a weekly average you must play in order to get this admin access.

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