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xafizzle By xafizzle, in HeLLsGamers News, , 54 comments, 2416 views

Hey everyone! I'm doing another one of these except the rules are a little different this time. This contest will not be entirely random. I have 3 questions and each winner will get a game of his/her choice.


The winner can pick out any game he/she wants, price disregarded, as long as it's available on steam.


The 3 questions are:


1. What's the first FPS I ever played?

2. What's my favorite sport?

3. Who is my favorite rapper? (I have multiple so it isn't that hard of a question)


The contest will end when all 3 questions have been correctly answered.



-hg- through [C] only

Only one answer per question per user, multiple answers will disqualify you



Good luck to everyone and have a happy holiday season!


*Protip: don't guess the same things that other people guess.



Update: Congrats to Tampa2pac for correctly guessing #1 and being the first winner of this giveaway! Keep guessing though, there's still 2 games to be given away! And because of the apparent difficulty of the questions (which I find hard to believe but whatever), I'll let everyone have a second guess


Update: congrats to dev/null and broken for winning the remaining prizes!


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Recommended Comments

1. What's the first FPS I ever played?: Counter-Strike

2. What's my favorite sport?: Football

3. Who is my favorite rapper?: Eminem

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1. What's the first FPS I ever played? CS

2. What's my favorite sport? Basketball

3. Who is my favorite rapper? SnoopDoooogy

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ok ill answer with what mine would be hopefully im right


1. What's the first FPS I ever played?goldeneye 64

2. What's my favorite sport?hockey

3. Who is my favorite rapper? (I have multiple so it isn't that hard of a question)KiD CuDi

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1. What's the first FPS I ever played? Doom

2. What's my favorite sport? American Football

3. Who is my favorite rapper? Eminem

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1. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

2. Football

3. Flight of the Concords (they evented rap in New Zealand)

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3. Flight of the Concords (they evented rap in New Zealand)


I was born and raised in New Zealand so this I can tell you that this is a false statement.


I am also good friends with Brett.

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wiz kalifa or however you spell his name. i dont like rap and im too lazy to google it because of the lack of fucks i give

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1. What's the first FPS I ever played?

  • Counter Strike 1.6 (when I was 9 years old :P)

2. What's my favorite sport?

  • As a good Brazilian, soccer <3

3. Who is my favorite rapper? (I have multiple so it isn't that hard of a question)

  • ​Many, but I'll stick with Eminem because he's songs are just awesome.


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