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HeLLsGamers Humble Bundle Partnership

Alex Thunderhunter By Alex Thunderhunter, in Sponsors, , 12 comments, 3062 views

Looking for deals on games and to support HeLLsGamers? Then click here!

We are excited to announce that we are now partners with Humble Bundle! Not only can you get *free games and discounts when you bundle games, but you can support us directly when you use our affiliate link! In addition, a part of any purchases you make through humble bundle, goes to charity. So, if you want to support HeLLsGamers and get good deals on games, books and software, be sure to use the links below! 

One of the current game bundles as of the creation of this post:
Humble Codemasters Racing Rebundle (pay what you want and help charity) (humblebundle.com)
CyberPunk 2077:
Affiliate Link: 

*Depends on current Humble Bundle sales/Humble Choice Games ($12/Month)

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Edited by Alex Thunderhunter


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