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HeLLsGamers News

CS:GO Recruiting Event!

By joKer, in Events, , 15 comments, 4691 views

HellsGamers CS:GO Division is holding a recruiting drive. Prizes and fame will be handed out. Will you help our cause?

Hosted by:
Organized by:
-Joker, Poopmaster, Seemore and Triangle (Pickles was here too)
-Starting October 18, 2013
-Ending November 03, 2013
-We are having a recruiting drive for CS:GO. Whenever you recruit someone into our division, tell them to put you down as a reference. The top 3 recruiters by the end date will receive $20 steam cards!
-PRIZES PROVIDED BY Joker, Poopmaster, and ASCII
-friends of HG to council!
-Must be a BRAND NEW RECRUIT. (division transfers and second accounts don't count.)
-If your name isn't in the reference box on their application, you do not get the point. So make sure.
-The person applying MUST BECOME A RECRUIT in order for the points to count. If they don't pass the recruit process, you don't get the point.
1st Place: Ludaniel92
2nd Place: TheOneFreeman [PRIZE SENT]
3rd Place: Joey7 [PRIZE SENT]
Congrats to everyone. Contact either myself or ASCII to recieve your steam cards =)
Thanks to everyone who participated!

Epicsoymilk's 1 Year

By EpicSoyMilk, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 2603 views
So October 11 was my 1 year in HG. Being the dumbass that I am, I completely missed it and forgot about it.
Well, here's my 1 year thread giveaway.
I will be giving away:
2x Terraria
1x Awesomenauts
1. Must be -hg- to [C]
2. Post only once
Winners will be chosen by post number through random.org. First number chosen will receive first choice of game, second number will receive second choice of game, and third number will receive what is left.
I will leave this giveaway open for 7 days (October 23). Winners will be announced on October 24.

Zezimas 3 Year Giveaway

By Zezima, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 3218 views
Hey there HG, so coming up on October 21st marks the 3rd anniversary of me joining HG and being accepted as a recruit. I thought to myself, what better way to celebrate than to give back a little and do a giveaway!
And the perfect game for such an occasion is the popular sandbox game Minecraft (as well as a few other goodies). As some may or may not know, HG is going to be coming out with a Minecraft server in the near future and I personally want to see everyone populating it.
The way this Giveaway will work is that any member –hg- through [C] can post here and your post number will be counted towards the numbers I will randomly draw to win. Once October 21stcomes around I will plug as many posts as I get into a random number generator located here:
The rules of this giveaway are very simple and are as follows:
- Must be –hg- through [C]
- May only post once
- I will be giving away 2 copies of the game for PC. AND steam product codes for....
Dead Space
Burnout Paradise: The ultimate box
Medal of Honor
Mirrors Edge
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
- After the winners are chosen I will purchase gift codes from www.minecraft.net and then send them to the winners securely through private messaging on www.hellsgamers.com
- I will videotape myself rolling for the numbers.
Post away here.


By Nite, in HeLLsGamers News, , 28 comments, 3936 views

Minecraft is BACK in HeLLsGamers!



The wait has finally come to an end for all of you minecraft players! We now just launched a hub that will include multiple portals to servers like Factions, Survival, VIP Survival and more to come. Please feel free to connect to the server by joining the hub at:
The leadership team would also like to thank and promote @_iMPAKT aka Meek Mills to the staff to help moderate and continue to build servers.
Please feel free to congratulate him!
Happy building and gaming!

PERP Squad Deathmatch Event!

By Magic, in HeLLsGamers News, , 6 comments, 3007 views

Hello! As a continuation of our PERP Carnival Event, we bring you Squad DM!


Where and when will the gang war be?


PERP Debug Server

11/2/13 at 7 P.M. EST






Hello! As a continuation of our PERP Carnival Event, we bring you Squad DM!
Where and when will the gang war be?
PERP Debug Server
11/2/13 at 7 P.M. EST
How will we form squads?
Before the event, you will all form squads of 6. Please choose a name, as it is what you will be using for organizations in-game. Please notify a dA or dL so we can add your squad to the list on the event page. Leaders, you will post a number between 0-100 on this forum page (link to created forum page). Non-leaders, do not post on this forum page.
Each squad will start out with $50,000. Along with your number, leaders will have to post a “buy list.†In this buy list, you will request for props, extra consumables, etc. Guns and ammo cannot be bought. Please use the price list here.(0% sales tax prices). PRICE LIST WILL BE POSTED SOON.
How will the event work?
Pre-Build Phase:
Leaders will come on before the event starts so that you can get your starter kit, which will be distributed among your squad by your leader. We will also decide the bases using the number you posted on the event pages. Order will be chosen by who is closest to our chosen number (decided by /roll).
The starter kit includes:
2 Molotov Cocktails
5 Fire Extinguishers
1 Five-Seven and 2 ammos per person
3 Lockpicks per person
5 Coffee per person
5 Melons per person.
1 House Alarm
Build Phase:


Your gang will have 20 (or shorter, if everyone is finished) minutes to set up their base. During this time, you will also have to find guns and ammo around the map. This will also be available during the “Attack / Defend Phaseâ€. ANYONE who kills an opposing squad member during the build phase will immediately disqualify their entire squad.
Attack/Defend Phase:


After the “Build Phase†has ended, each squad is REQUIRED to send out at least two of their teammates to attack an opposing squad. After that, you choose to attack or defend your base from intruders. Rules of RDM do not apply, so if you see an enemy, kill them. However, you MUST RP the killing (e.g. shouting your squad name). If you die, you’re out and you will be forced to accept the fate that will be decided by your other gang members. After you die, you will have to put #dead in your TeamSpeak name to confirm your death and will then be moved out of your team's channel to prevent metagaming.
If your squad succesfully eliminates a squad, you will be awarded one weapon, excluding Uzi’s and Golden Deagles, and two ammos for your weapon of choice per person in your squad.
Note: You may stay in your squad channel, but any info from #dead members will be considered as metagaming and your squad will disqualified.
Destruction Phase:


After 20 minutes of the “Attack/Defend Phaseâ€, each organization will be forced to leave their base and kill their enemies. Anyone who decides to stay back and defend their home base will be slain.
How does a squad win, and what do we win?
Simple. Eliminate all other squads and you win. The prizes will be:
First: 500k PERP cash (per player)
Second: 250k PERP cash (per player)
Third: 75k PERP cash (per player)
Basic Rules to Follow:

No ghosting!
Do not be disrespectful.
Do not be racist or use racist terms.
No name impersonation of ANYONE.
No sexual harassment of female players.
Do not use !zstuck to bypass barricades.
No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
Do not glitch inside walls, soda machines, rocks etc
No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
Do not destroy / ruin barricades that are already made.
Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
If you're trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.
No cheats, exploits, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.

Also, be sure to be in teamspeak 30 min before the event starts to get everything set up in time for the event.

CS:S vs. TF2 Division!

By jajolt, in HG News, , 88 comments, 9648 views

Join us Saturday, October 12th at 4pm PT, 5pm MT, 6pm CT, and 7pm ET for a division battle between TF2 and CS:S!


-PLEASE NOTE THE TIME AND DATE CHANGE- The date has been delayed a week, and is now October 12th. The times have been bumped up 2 hours as well. If you have questions or cannot make it (and have already applied) please contact StyleZ or myself via forums or ts3.

When: Saturday, October 12th.


Time: 4pm PT, 5pm MT, 6pm CT, 7pm ET


Who: TF2 and CSS recruits+ who think they can represent their division well.


What: Starting on CSS, the TF2 Members will do a 12v12 scrim in CSS (Dust2). TF2 division will start on the Terrorist team and the CSS division will be on the Counter Terrorist team. As with most CSS Scrims, the first team with 16 wins will win the scrim. Keep in mind that the teams will be swapped at round 16. When the CSS scrim is complete, we will move over to TF2 for a best of (5?) on Hoodoo (payload).


How do I sign up?: Post your name and division below. Keep in mind that teams will be picked by the division leadership, and is not first come first serve.


Servers: TF2 Community Events and CS:S Community Events; The IP's and Passwords will be given out at the time of the event.


Be in TS3 20 minutes early.




No Cheats, exploits or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.


No ghosting.


Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.


No sexual harassment of female players.


Do not be racist or use racist terms! These servers are for everybody.


No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.


No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.


Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!


No name impersonation of ANYONE, especially not HG members.


No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).


If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.


Teams WILL be picked carefully by each division, please fill out the following template if you wish to participate:






Hours on CS:S:


Hours on TF2:

Current players:


1: jajolt


3:Chicken WIngs


5: GodlyLuigi

6: Evolution








1: StyleZ


3: Karma Of Pain

4: Isaac

5: PooHunter

6: SpawnMatrix

7: LSD | SexyLies

8: Love | Red

9: Thacoolmon

10: Sgt. Pepper

11: Starkenberg

12: InstantNoodles


Subs (Do not have to fill out an application, must be in css or tf2 division):



GMod PERP Carnival

By DirtyDNA, in Events, , 15 comments, 5138 views

Come on down, and join us for some amazing PERP Carnival fun!!!

Us Gmod dA's will be hosting this Perp event. There will be 4 events we will be doing.


Musical Chairs, Bumper Cars, CTF, and Squad TDM


At the end of whole event those who stay will earn a 10k prize for participating.


(Thanks Stylez for the picture)


Important Info


Time : 7:00PM EST

6:00PM CT
5:00PM MT

4:00PM PT

Date : 21st of September (Saturday)


Be in the Teamspeak channel 30 minutes before the event starts.
Screenshots will be neccessary for those who won so make sure to be responsible for it.


No Spamming.
No Punchwhoring .
No disrespect but smack talk is allowed dont go over it though.
Use common sense.


Event # 1 - Perp Musical Chairs
One of us are going to play a song of any kind and when it stops there will be chairs you will sit in. Basically what you would usually do in musical chairs. Each round there will be a chair missing. Depending on the people 2 chairs will be removed at a time.


Who : f to [C]


Prizes :
1st - 100k
2nd - 60k

3rd - 30k


Event # 2 - Bumper Cars


2 Players will go in a car and will be on a platform. The vehicals will be depending. The objective is to push the others vehical off the edge and wins the round.


Who : f to [C]


1st - 80k
2nd - 60k
3rd - 40k


Event # 3 - Capture The Flag




Its going to be like it was last time 2 teams of CTF. One captain for each. 3 rounds. The places will be in industrial. One side on MTL and other side Power Plant / Chop Shop.


Who : f to [C]


1st - 250k
2nd - 100k


Event # 4 - Squad Team Deathmatch




There will be 4 Squads and you will all fight to the death. There will be a captain for each team and can pick what people they want. Team 1 will start out in City. Team 2 will start out in subs. Team 3 will start out in Industrial. Team 4 will start in Cardealer. There will be a captain for each team and your captain can pick what weapon you and your team will be using. The last team surviving wins.


Who : f to [C]


1st - 400k
2nd - 200k



HeLLsGamers Payload v. PPM!

By jajolt, in HeLLsGamers News, , 47 comments, 4193 views

Come join us Sunday, September 8 at 3pm PDT, 4pm MDT, 5pm CDT, 6pm EDT for some payload versus PyroProtectMe! (PPM)

Payload tournament v. PPM
-When: 3pm PST, 4pm MST, 5pm CST, 6pm EST, or whatever your timezone is
-Who: -hg- and up,
-What: A best out of 5 payload tournament with PyroProtectMe.
-We will be providing the server
-This will be a 15v15 tournament!
-We will play 5 rounds of payload.
-Be in teamspeak 20 minutes early
-You may join as a sub if you wish.
Do not cheat, script, or use any 3rd party program to gain advantage over other players.
Do not exploit the map
Be a good sport! We are all here to have fun.
Don't do anything to try and get your team at a disadvantage to "troll"
Do not disrespect, put down, or do anything to insult the other team.
Have fun and don't take this too seriously.
If you are interested:
Post below, participants will be selected on a first come first serve basis.
Must be in HG.
We need 15 players.
About PPM: PPM started one TF2 All-Trade server in Oct of 2012. It was an immediate success and before the year 2012 ended PPM added 2 more servers. In August of 2013 PPM acquired 4 more servers making up the 8 TF2 servers. The community is run on trading but pubs from now and again. (Thanks to MasterBaiter for the info)



10 Guyâ„¢²
Chicken Wings

Subs- The subs will (as of now, in order of priority) be:
Buk Lau

-hg- Stitch will be commentating

Hellsgamers Vs Xeno Gamers

By Archer, in HeLLsGamers News, , 54 comments, 5282 views

Join us in a scrim against Xeno Gamers! Will be livestreamed.

Date: August 31 (Saturday)
Time: 5PM Pacific, 6PM Mountain, 7PM Central, 8PM Eastern
We will provide the servers.
Will be just a regular scrim (5v5).
There will be 3 scrims.
Be in Teamspeak 10 minutes early.

No purposely team killing/attacking (includes flash).
No purposely dying.
No trash talk at all.
No douchebaggery.
No bind spamming (2 or more times).
No illegal defuses.
No cheating.
Have fun!

Interested in playing? Post saying "enter me in" to enter yourself into the event.
Have to be in HG to sign up (Recruit or higher).
Looking for 15 people from HG to participate.
