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HeLLsGamers News


By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 58410 views
#72 - Phirewire
#23 - WhyYouNoDie?
#46 - Ethan Mars
#19 - Mike Stomp
#6 - Suicide
#60 - Kenny-
You have 1 week to respond to my PM for your PS2 key before they're put back into circulation! (doing this so make sure you're in fact still an active member of HG)
Ive got 4 keys for planetside 2 that i decided to giveaway! ill be using a random number generator to decide the winners simply all you have to do is post in this thread if you're interested in a PS2 key.
if you dont know what planetside2 is about go ahead and check out this thread which explains everything! http://hellsgamers.c...ight=planetside
rules are only one entry per person and you must be a member of HG! ( -hg- [HG] HG| )
the cut-off date will be October 20th!
good luck to all!
(If you already have a key please don't enter the contest, there'll be 5 winners.)

League Of Legends Tournament!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 2038 views
League Of Legends
HeLLsGamers 1st LoL Tournament
Okay so we need to have this happen! It's going down!
When you might ask yourself? Maybe where? Who is involved? What do I need to be in this tournament?
Who: Everyone! Recruits and up!
When: October 20, 2012 6pm CST 7pm EST
Where: HG! Make sure you're in teamspeak.
What: You and 5 other people (one being a substitute just in case someone has something last minute. You can decide you don't want a sub, but you run the risk of forfeiting if you don't have 5 available players.)
-This will be a 5v5 Summoner’s Rift LoL Tournament
-There will be no restrictions on hero levels, so if you decide to bring a low level person then you are making the game easier on the other person.
-Back talk is allowed, but keep it to a minimum.
-Absolutely no racism/racist slurs allowed.
- In this 5 v 5 tournament, you need to have at least 5 members. Whoever plays the winning match, receives the prize
-By joining the Tourney you are agreeing to be recorded then published.
-If you are watching the match and not participating then you will have to join in our teamspeak channel.
-Ghosting is prohibited and if caught doing so your team will be disqualified from the Tournament and all future Tournaments.
-There will be two brackets (Winners/Losers)
-You will be matched up at the time of the game.
And finally, to the prizes! (Oooo, shiny!)
Prizes: We're looking at giving the winners either bragging rights or fancy awards on the website that allow people to see them, under their user profile page.
Please post your 5 or 6 players in this thread

http://hellsgamers.c...5792#post435792 .We'll figure out a bracket soon once we get teams together!

Jailbreak Beta for CS:GO

By Guest, in Server News, , 1 comment, 6541 views
I know it's a bit late, but I am proud to finally annouce our beta CS:GO Jailbreak server. This means that it is still in the testing phase, so things might be a bit wacky.
IP -
About rep and gangs
Rep will be GLOBAL between our two jailbreak servers. That means that you will have the same rep in both servers.
Gangs is LOCAL to each server. Meaning gangs that exist (such as Al Qaeda, Inmates, ect.) do not currently exist as of this writing.
Gangs will most likely NOT become global. This will open valuable opportunities for new gangs to be created
IMPORTANT: If you own a gang on our CS:S server, for the next month after this posting I will guarentee you that you can create the same gang in CS:GO. By this, I mean that if someone steals your gang name, I will delete the gang at the expense of whoever created it.


Currently, there is NO premium on the server. I'm working to port it, but to be honest I haven't even started
For now (SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE!!!!) if you buy admin on the CS:S JB server, you will have it on the GO server.

Any bugs/suggestions - Please post in this thread here but be sure to read the "known bugs" first.

Birthday Giveaway! Rull Rich Gai Hurr...

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 51973 views
I'm too lazy and too apathetic (in the middle of a course on Constitutional Law at the moment) to butter this up. Long story short, my birthday is tomorrow! 21 years old! As a result, I'm giving away (yeah I'm REALLY stupid) something for you all to work for! The contest is related of course to the video above: Psy's "Gangnam Style."
My challenge is for you to dance... YOU to dance... YOUUUUUUUUUUU MUST dance... any or all of the video. It cannot be longer than the song itself (I don't want you adding anything in) and it cannot be to cuts of the video put together. You may dance to any section (or all of) the song that you please, but it must be a continuous section. The section MUST include the chorus (Op, Op, Op Op, Open condom store). BE CREATIVE!
You may dance with others, and you may edit the video together to have just you at some points and you and friends at another. I want one continuous section of the song with dance or other "music video-related" footage. You may make a legit music video that includes dancing AND funny cutscenes (like the actual video) or parody the whole thing. In the end I want a creative and meaningful attempt at dancing to, performing, and presenting the song in all its fun.
I will (with the help of some friends in HG: Branflake, Oreo, Pizza Guy, Kimzy) select one grand prize winner from the bunch in a month (October 20th). All entries must be submitted by October 10th! That winner will get his choice of 50$ worth of games from Steam, RP (League of Legends), or any other credible gaming company (I'm not getting scammed). I will also choose two runner-ups who will have their choice of $10 worth of RP or Steam game(s). In that announcement, I will post my own version of the dance for you all to enjoy (or mock until I'm 31). When I'm running for President some day, you all can post this video again and talk about how much of a nerd I was when I was in college.
Anyway, good luck. Post your submissions here (uploaded only to Youtube please) along with the name by which you'd like me to refer to you as (for record keeping). Again the specific rules of your submission are:
The contest is open to all.
The music must be a continuous section/all of the song.
You must be dancing in the video.
Your dancing must be of at least the chorus.
You may dance in other parts of the song, or you can make a parody of the video itself.
Have proof in the video that it is you and that the video is specifically for this contest(4chan sign or something).
You may have others dancing with you, but you MUST be dancing at least the chorus.
Submit your entry by October 10th!
The entries will be judged and winners chosen by myself and four others.
1st prize is $50 worth of game(s)/RP while 2 runner-ups will receive $10.
If someone wants to article this bad boy, please do so. Thanks.


By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 1 comment, 1206 views
Grats to iDigital- on Nuclear Dawn+TF2 and (Headband)(EG) for smite! Headband's poem was:
HG Jailbreak ...
JaJolt Freekills All
Reddevil always Tlists
To celebrate almost 6 months in HG, I would like to do a giveaway. I will be giving away a copy of nuclear dawn, and my whole tf2 backpack (Not much, but still)
-hg- to [C] only, and the entries much be in by the 24th, post in the general topic.
Ha! Did you think that was all? Nope! I'll be giving away one smite beta key as well, but for this, you have to write me a haiku.
Thank you for making the past 6 months in HG and 10 months of playing on the servers very enjoyable.

[CS:GO] Deathmatch servers

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 4 comments, 54167 views
[HG] 24/7 Office Deathmatch - HeLLsGamers.com | gameME - IP:
[HG] 24/7 Dust2 Deathmatch - HeLLsGamers.com | gameME - IP:
[HG] 24/7 Crackhouse Deathmatch - HeLLsGamers.com | gameME - IP:

CS:GO Announced

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1479 views
HeLLsGamers, known well in the CSS community, would like to announce that we will be fully supporting CS:GO as well as exciting new Mods for CS:GO.
Head over and join our CSGO clan and forums http://www.hellsgamers.com/apply https://hellsgamers.com/forums/181-Counter-Strike-Global-Offensive
Four new CS:GO servers brought to you by HeLLsGamers Clan!
Find our servers in your community browser enter server tag "hg" in the filter.
More to come..

[TF2] HeLLsGamers - Mann vs. Machine - Servers

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1688 views
About Mann vs. Machine MOD: http://www.teamfortress.com/mvm/
Servers: - TF2 MvM Private - TF2 MvM Private #2
Password: 123hg
------------------------------------------------ - TF2 MvM PUB #1 - TF2 MvM PUB #2 - TF2 MvM PUB #3 - TF2 MvM PUB #4 - TF2 MvM PUB #5
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