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Blog 6711

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almost a year

its been almost a year since iv joined the hellsgamers, iv had tonz of fun and met quiet a few new friends, and iv even met baddies or people i dis-like, but its been fun threw all my personal issues that i brought up and sometimes the bad times were i dont log on for a week, lol but i cant wait to be here another year and more, you've all been quite nice to me, even though i can be slow and thick headed, "sorry about that" lol i talk about alot of you guys and funny moments with my friends i



iv been thinking

as of late i have been having alot of problems, from mom in the hospital to a break up i didnt see coming, iv been playing around on the servers on hg trying to blow of steam or cheer up but iv been find some jerks id say names if i could remember them, like on the bh server i got yelled at cause i asked a hg member about about a bind and i guess it to much to ask. i guess im a huge noob and i know i dont understand much things are gloomy so i think imma head out to find a job, i need some ne



Thanks :D

I know i'm still new to everything, and im not to great but iv been learning slowly but surly. It is cause of the HG clan and its amazing members iv come back, and iv had fun. I have had a lot of laughs and iv even got angry, but its life and it still goes on, you cant stay mad and hold a grudge forever right? It thanks to you guys that have help me along the way, and even though i am like 9 months fresh to CS:S I'v had more fun within the last 4 months then i ever have before that, i love th

