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Cs:go Tournament And League

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Hi, my name is KarmaOfPain. I am making this thread because after 3 or 4 months of being a CS:GO dA I still have people asking me "What division are you in?" or "Who the fuck are you?". People also wonder what I do in CS:GO since I do not do that much visible work, so I will tell you what role I was given when I was promoted and what you guys can expect out of me in the future. When I was promoted back in June, they gave me the role of doing a CS:GO tournament. So I put together a little FAQ to answer most of your questions.


Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: What happened to this tournament?

A: I wanted to make sure that the servers and prizes were ready before we even announce it to the public that we are having a tournament, but we were unable to do that.


Q: So when are we going to have this tournament?

A: We are not going to have this tournament.


Q: Well what the fuck are you doing then you lazy shit.

A: I am making our very own HellsGamers CS:GO league similar to what CEVO has.


Q: Wow cool, when are you planning to start this league thingy?

A: If all goes well, we will start this next month in November.


Q: Why is it taking so long?

A: Other than me being busy with College, here is a list on what we are discussing at the moment.

1. What prizes are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place are going to get.

2. What days are the matches going to be on.

3. How we will format the playoffs.


Once I finish my first class next week in college, I should have a lot of time to figure out what we are going to do and have this ready by early to mid November. Now if you are not a fan of this and you are thinking "This is such a fucking stupid idea, they will never be able to compete with a league such as CEVO or ESEA." Our goal is make sure you are having fun and feeling apart of a gaming community. That being said, we would love your feed back on this. You can either reply to this thread or PM me on the forums, I will be happy to answer any questions you have.


TL;dr Read the god damn thing, I pressed a button and that button made my screen go black so I had to retype to shit.

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