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Zs_Pathogen Removal Request

fen Ra

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Greetings guys,


I am posting a demo about the map zs_pathogen, which has an overpowered hallway and is not appropriate to have on this server in my opinion. You can see waves five and six are endured easily by a dozen humans against over sixty (60) zombies with multiple shades as well. I repeatedly attempt to touch the start of the barricade while shielded by two shades but I cannot hit it once. More than one human surpassed the thousand points mark.



Some of the players started to quit as a result:




Demo Start: Sunday January 11th, 23:54:23 GMT+00 ---- 15:54:23 PST




Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think.


Fen Ra

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15 GOOD PLAYERS were defending. we had good guns and knew how to use them. its a perfectly fine map and a hard place to cade due to being close to z spawn. only a group of coordinated regulars can take advantage. in the multiple times ive caded there that was the first time we held it so well. all players did their part and therefor the cade survived.

Edited by IMI4tth3w
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This can be done with two props, the blue shelves, with a handful of people, with the other house cade (also a hallway) providing even less space for the zombies to make their logistical choices. No more than two or three waves will ever be dedicated to the tunnel in the demo unless you want the guys in the house to survive as well.

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It takes one guy with a glock to defend two props at the only reachable entrance on wave one. Another guy to make a great cade with the myriad of props down that longass hallway not to mention the fact that only fast zombies can get through the back so you can just cade the hallway until wave 3 too (no bonemesh on that shit)


Then if you have maybe 10 "good" players you can defend it no problem, I don't even understand how HG doesn't win this map all the time but hey...


People have complained about OP stuff for ages and it rarely gets changed. Raptor and I held Ancient Sand crhsitmas room with 2 people against THIRTY zombies from wave 2 to 6. Harle, Kleiner and I held Mall of the Dead against 40 zombies from wave 2 to 6, but it took ages to get those removed anyway. After you actually get people to try on maps with multiple entrances you'll see it's a lot more fun for both sides. You can escape, move props from one to another, have more breathing space as a human and actually feel like you're not a mindless drone as a zombie. But I digress. Add the insta-gib fire to that spot and the map is still op btw, just look around

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This map is good, well made and won by zombies 90% of the time.

You know that when humans win, a lot of zombies go AFK or decide to leave, that's not a surprise.


We can't remove a map because humans tried and actually won it !


Apparently, you also can't remove a map if its name is Zs_Bungalows, so you will understand why I am having trouble getting your point.


I have made some drawings to try and make it easier (or harder) to understand these concepts:



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Apparently, you also can't remove a map if its name is Zs_Bungalows, so you will understand why I am having trouble getting your point.

I have made some drawings to try and make it easier (or harder) to understand these concepts:


plisarino =( that's like a good shade in say mall getting well over 20 brains man nerf zombs pls


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on the topic of abandoned mall, there's some unbreakable potted plants that are regularly exploited by players who often go shade on that map.... just sayin


"Im about to die by a Shade and i dont want to so imma come up with the props that are unbreakable bs"


If the prop is red its because its taking damage, maybe not by melee, but guns instead.

If it was "unbreakable" like you said then it wouldnt turn red, and the potted plant was turning red, meaning it is taking damage.

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on the topic of abandoned mall, there's some unbreakable potted plants that are regularly exploited by players who often go shade on that map.... just sayin


If you mean the ones opposite to CyberCafe, they are very breakable. In fact I used to break some of them as they have almost unhittable hitboxes for a casual zombie with the flowers and all; they also acquire an excessive amount of health once nailed and the zs mechanics that favor many small props make a cade full of pots very overpowered; lastly there are enough pots to replace every single one on a door cade once or twice, and this point is really the only problem I have with them.


Anyways, good luck with getting anything with "mall" in its name removed. Also as long as they're on rotation, the Shadorade will be spilled, over and over again on your heads.

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no it's not new. just like all maps you can cade it. all you have to do is get junk packs.


nice try at nitpicking though. :)


So you are saying that somehow it would be possible to win final destination with junk packs and not only that, but also you put that feat on the same level as shoving two shelves down the hallway in pathogen, or a few cash registers down the vent in old mall, or piling stuff in the corner of bungalows.

Furthermore, being that some of those maps have been or are set to be removed, may I ask why you applied to join a clan whose map policies you openly disagree with?

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Sorry about the mall post. Totally forgot about some props being unaffected by melee and only damaged by bullets.


The potted plants i was taking about are un-nail-able. I haven't seen a potted plant cade in a while either. Was their prop health nerfed as well?



I think we can say that not all maps are perfect for hg's server. They'll get played, humans/zombies will be overpowered, autism will reign free, life will go on.


As far as pathogen goes, i think the map is just fine.

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This server is stuck with a version of Zombie Survival which has issues with many maps, and these issues are:


1. many maps were designed before boss zombies were a thing (most houses especially);


2. high zombie durability + high weapon damage. This encourages static gameplay and needs carefully balanced maps as opposed to the new fast pace which smoothes out the gameplay and allows bad map designs.


Pointsaving worsens these issues but I digress as 90% of us wouldn't be here to debate maps in the first place without pointsaving. Most would be on other servers and you know it. So, given that most old and new maps are not fit for such specific demands and that I can count on my (two) hands the maps that get voted, in my opinion there's a need for either a super careful map rotation balance or a complete rehaul of the gamemode itself. Because especially as more and more regulars leave, I swear that peak times are turning into jihad parades. And don't blame the high pop please because that doesn't have to be a problem at all.

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also you might want to remember that points are saved on the server. so, if 12 humans buy boomsticks, grim reapers, impailers they can practily win any map. on enervation i beat the last part when it was 50 vs 10, i bought a grim reaper along with someone else and 5 other people had boomsticks.


if you want maps removed because they are OP or just bad, start with xcom, bungalows, high school bata, and about 20 other maps that have OP cading spots. what you consider OP is what others consdier a good spot to cade.

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So you are saying that somehow it would be possible to win final destination with junk packs and not only that, but also you put that feat on the same level as shoving two shelves down the hallway in pathogen, or a few cash registers down the vent in old mall, or piling stuff in the corner of bungalows.

Furthermore, being that some of those maps have been or are set to be removed, may I ask why you applied to join a clan whose map policies you openly disagree with?


the whole server is OP, 10% of the people could buy a grim reaper for everyone on. if the humans are using an exploit like in level 426 then the map should be removed. if they are not exploiting constantly than they are just good at planing. if humans win on a map more than 85% of the time some consideration should be taken to make it harder but not removed. when ever a good cade is built people buy better weapons, so it becomes harder because now everyone has a boomstick, it did not become harder becasue it's in a hallway. by your logic half the maps should be removed because they have a hallway. pub final is a great example, is the map OP? no. can you build a OP cade in a hallway? yes.


the reality is some maps are easier to cade and better to cade than others. as long as it's not exploiting than it just means the humans are good.


just to take a guess you are pissed because you die oftin on this map. not many people like being a zombie, don't request a map to be removed because you're upset.

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