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Banning The Word Autism On The Zs Server


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Players constantly complain about people misusing the word "autism".

So I Was chatting with them telling them to refrain from using homosexual slurs,and they were like why are homosexual slurs banned and not the word autism?

They do have a point. so here i am making this post about it .



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I've seen this brought up a few times before and its a good point. You can't say you can't use *insert slur here* and then go wild with others. It ends in hypocrisy. And most of the time they use it as a way to describe someone who did something stupid when in reality autism is more of a social development disorder and A LOT of autistic are actually quite smart. You end up not only looking like an ass for using it in that way, but also too stupid to look up in google what autism actually is.

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I have something to say. I really don't like the fact that people are against Autism or ostracising anyone who has it. We all have problems in us. No one is perfect. So why do people strongly dislike Autism on ZS but not other disorders. We need to learn to accept people into this community regardless who or what problems they have. I have seen people trying to kick other players because of Autism and I find that really stupid and disrespectful. First of all, how the f*** do they even know if that person actually has Autism or not. Second of all, who do they f*** think they are to exclude someone because of a disorder. Sorry I raged but this immature acts has really been bothering me for quite awhile and I think is a problem that should be dealt with

Edited by Spazer
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Saying someone is autistic is just a phrase people use. They don't actually think they have autism and most of them don't even know what it Is. So by your logic I can't call people herpes riddled douchcanoes then because it offends people with herpes?



Someone who actually has a small form of autism.





Just to help you guys out a bit. If a word someone uses offends you, ask them to stop. Calling someone autistic is not against the rules but harrassment IS. If the person stops, problem solved. If they do not stop and continue to use the word, take proof of it and of you asking them to stop and report them on the forums for harassment. This process can be used for offensive language. So if someone calls you autistic, retarded, or anything that offends you just ask them to stop and if they don't, report them.

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  • Executive Council

Disrespecting someone is against the rules already, rules that apply to all our servers. If we "ban" the word they'll just use something else.


Just treat it as it is, a form of disrespect.



  • Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.

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Someone who actually has a small form of autism.


This sounds pretty similar to when a user claiming to be black says they want to use the N word because they're black and it doesn't offend them, but you tell them they can't anyway


I find calling someone an autist pretty offensive and which is why it used to be one of my goto harassment methods


I can't tell if this gaming community is catered to 12 year olds or not


Not that I care, your all morons anyway

Edited by Bp~
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Who fucking cares. There's a simple solution for people who don't like being called names, it's called not being a little bitch. People are going to offend you, that's life deal with it. Banning words is the dumbest thing anyone can do. It creates more problems than it solves. This whole thread is autistic.

Edited by Komodoh
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Using autism to refer to someone who has done something wrong is a terrible thing. I'm sure there are autists on the server who might feel shunned or threatened when their disorder is thrown around in such a degrading manner. Here's my own personal conclusion to this horrible, OPPRESSIVE behaviour.



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Disrespecting someone is against the rules already, rules that apply to all our servers. If we "ban" the word they'll just use something else.


Just treat it as it is, a form of disrespect.



  • Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.


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people call people autistic because they act like they are/it is just something people say on the internet. even on quacks, this is a thing. if the person REALLY has a problem with it, then they ask him/her to not call him/her that name. THEN, if it doesnt stop, the offender can be kicked/banned for harassment

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I'm pretty sure everyone that doesn't stalk tumblr looking for Richard Dawkins quotes would agree with what Kigen has stated.


Report the user if you believe it to be harassment.


Besides this is GMOD. Who gives a flying fuck about what a 12 year old on the internet says. They film pornos in GMOD for fuck sake. That's how much of a fuck the GMOD community doesn't gives in general about shit.


Banning words pretty much defeats the purpose of nearly everything at that point. You're literally running into the scenario of en mass hypocriticalism and allowing literal-Nazi's (Katie Hopkins par example) to gain momentum.

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Remember when "gay" was a thing to call people stupid? Yeah now its Autism. Might as well ban every wor-remove chat. It's the internet, where anonymity somehow translates to not taking responsibility. Don't be so sensitive and understand what from the context of the situation words are being used. Most don't know what they're saying anyways. Smack talking is inherit in all of us. Refer to harassment post.

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Disrespecting someone is against the rules already, rules that apply to all our servers. If we "ban" the word they'll just use something else.


Just treat it as it is, a form of disrespect.



  • Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.

Then there should be no reason to ban the n-word(read the rest of the article I am not saying it's ok). Everyone judges on a different scale the seriousness of a word. For instance, I know many people who have OCD(Obcessive Compulsive Disorder), and they are very offended by jokes about the REAL disorder, being used to describe someone who just pays a lot of detail to certain things. Your argument can't only apply to one certain word, but not to others I can say the n-word in offense to someone and that would be completely unacceptable, and sure if you want your server to ban that word it's competely acceptable. But people take great offense to other words that are derogatary and are in essence very similair to racism as they are classyfing a group of people in a negative connotation. I urge you to really take a hard look at this rule and use a scope to see that you really are offeneding people even by using the words. Just because you may not be offened by a certain word doesn't mean that someone else is not offeneded, so please do not speak on behalf of the Autistic community because you are not the only person that matters.


Thank you,


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Then there should be no reason to ban the n-word(read the rest of the article I am not saying it's ok). Everyone judges on a different scale the seriousness of a word. For instance, I know many people who have OCD(Obcessive Compulsive Disorder), and they are very offended by jokes about the REAL disorder, being used to describe someone who just pays a lot of detail to certain things. Your argument can't only apply to one certain word, but not to others I can say the n-word in offense to someone and that would be completely unacceptable, and sure if you want your server to ban that word it's competely acceptable. But people take great offense to other words that are derogatary and are in essence very similair to racism as they are classyfing a group of people in a negative connotation. I urge you to really take a hard look at this rule and use a scope to see that you really are offeneding people even by using the words. Just because you may not be offened by a certain word doesn't mean that someone else is not offeneded, so please do not speak on behalf of the Autistic community because you are not the only person that matters.

Thank you,



This has already been answered

If someone is harassing you or using words for phrases that you find as offensive then report him for harassment.


People find the word fuck offensive as well should we ban that while we're at it? And you can't say Jesus anymore cause.you offend Christians. And you can't tell people to suck your dick cause that's either homosexual or sexism so ban that too. While we're at it, I need.to change my name cause it's discriminating against superheros.

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