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Troll Spawning


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Troll spawning is a big issue. It has been causing zombies to loose because of a map layout that spawns zombies on the other side of the map. Usually it's a new player just wandering the map lost that can cause the biggest problems for the zombie team. Some examples of maps that are suffering from the troll spawning are Ancient Sand, Stadium, Urban_Strain.


My solutions to this problem are

1. If the player has an AFK warning they will not be a spawn point

2. The player must be laying on the ground or playing as a headcrab

3. Players can spawn on boss zombies like normal.

4. A moving player can never be a spawn point.


It will restrict spawn points to the normal zombie and bloated zombie and headcrabs, and because they are laying on the floor it will be easy to tell who is consciously making the decision to act as a spawn point

Edited by Lumpymayo
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couple issues here,


when i go zombie, i will be a spawn point a LOT of the time. while being a good spawn, i'll go web browse on another screen not paying attention.


if required to be laying down, this hinders becoming a fast zombie so you can get to a good spawn quickly at the beginning of a round.


hopefully most of ancient sands issues will be taken care of when the updated version goes live.

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I suggest having a list of available spawn points when dead to quick spectate a player of your choice, instead of using right click (which you can never know how the players are arranged); so people can choose to go to some more reputable spawn point instead of being brought to 'the best' spawn point.

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  • Executive Council

You generally can select who you spawn off of or press reload to spawn at the normal map spawn point. Just don't press your fire button that fast after you die.

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But it's clearly not working because the troll spawning is a real issue, a majority of the players will agree with me. The current system is prioritizing troll spawn points when another player who is providing an optimal spawn. The changes I suggested are simple and can effectively crowd control the zombie team.

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The only problem is that people don't read what is showing in the screen. Same happens with mods+ warnings in say and psay. The system is pretty well designed and as Kigen said, you can select who you spawn off of. Just be patient and pick the best spawn.


While you do have the ability to choose who to spawn on, it takes too long to cycle through those dozens of zombies to find a suitable one(the cycle doesn't seems to have a specific pattern and you don't know when you can find that good zombie spawn again). I really suggest you can spectate a specific zombie by maybe clicking their name in the tab list.

Something to skip the endless cycling.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah this thread got derailed by dreamy, he claims it isn't a problem but it really is. There are a lot of maps on rotation right now that cause boring gameplay for both teams because of troll spawns. Urban Strain, buried society, stadium, ancient sand, just to name a few off the top of my head.


Please HG give us some way of setting up a spawn point that is prioritized over noobs who are wandering the map lost.

Edited by Lumpymayo
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This seems like a great way to quickly fix the troll spawning issue. It makes sense that they could be made spawn points because they have low health anyway so it's easy for humans to destroy said spawns. The only thing that would have to be changed because of this is making the chemical zombie available throughout the entire game


Might not be so bad to have them at wave 2 actually. There's not a significant amount of zombies (usually) by that point so if everyone went chem in an attempt to blow up cades they would just be feeding points.

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Troll Spawn is not issue? It's biggest issue ever because most people are annoying this fucking troll a spawn why not make an AFK system get auto slay only for a zombies.


Example those the map:



abandon mall


and...... more the maps.

Edited by How Super Terrible?
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I think the best solution to this would be to make a spawn menu


when you hit R you get a menu with other zombies as well as a cell that says "default" and on each players cell and the default cell you have a "spawn once" button and a "set spawn" button


If you hit spawn once it spawns you on that person once.


If you set spawn then hitting LMB when you die instead of R will attempt to spawn you on the set spawn point/person and if that person (in the case you're not spawning at zspawn) is not available it will do the nearest available spawn point(including other players).


(might also want to include some sort of indicator whether that person is an available spawn or not in the menu)


It's not really that troll spawning is a problem its just that scrolling through all the players to find one that wont put you on troll spawn within an reasonable amount of time can be a major annoyance especially on maps with multiple floors.


Evidently this is a lot more coding than the chem zombie idea but I think the chem zombie idea is a good band aid until this can be done.


Edit: an observe button to see where the zombie is might be a good idea


A search bar in the menu so that if someone says "spawn on me" you dont have to look for them forever.


Or you can combo it with chem zombie idea so that there aren't a bunch of people on the menu

Edited by SkeletalElite
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I think the best solution to this would be to make a spawn menu


when you hit R you get a menu with other zombies as well as a cell that says "default" and on each players cell and the default cell you have a "spawn once" button and a "set spawn" button


If you hit spawn once it spawns you on that person once.


If you set spawn then hitting LMB when you die instead of R will attempt to spawn you on the set spawn point/person and if that person (in the case you're not spawning at zspawn) is not available it will do the nearest available spawn point(including other players).


(might also want to include some sort of indicator whether that person is an available spawn or not in the menu)


It's not really that troll spawning is a problem its just that scrolling through all the players to find one that wont put you on troll spawn within an reasonable amount of time can be a major annoyance especially on maps with multiple floors.


Evidently this is a lot more coding than the chem zombie idea but I think the chem zombie idea is a good band aid until this can be done.


Edit: an observe button to see where the zombie is might be a good idea


A search bar in the menu so that if someone says "spawn on me" you dont have to look for them forever.


Or you can combo it with chem zombie idea so that there aren't a bunch of people on the menu



the issue with this is its too complicated for the average kliener. hg is good because it is simple.



one possible idea i have is that currently when you scroll through zombies, it scrolls through EVERY zombie. it would be nice if it only scrolls through zombies you can spawn on. however if you do try and spawn on a zombie that you can't spawn on, the current system will spawn you on the next closest zombie. sometimes this helps, sometimes it doesnt.



the current spawn system has some flaws, yes, but just from experience on other servers, i'm not so sure about the dedicated spawns.




-----------Current Spawn System-----------


- can quickly make spawn points

- automatically spawns zombies on the closest zombie to the most # of humans (could be a con)

- simple to use even if rookie players don't know how it works



- trolls spawning on some maps (but not all maps)

- not all players know that the green/red eyes in the skull represent being able to be a zombie spawn

- players don't know that you have to be in a spot that's close to the most # of humans (must be taken into account if there are multiple human cades)

- when humans move around in the cade, eyes in the skull go from red/green and makes it hard to be a spawn without having multiple zombies at different distances to account for humans moving around. this means less zombies attacking the cade. which is part of the balance of hgzs zombie side.





i think we should address these more specific cons rather than go to an entire new zombie spawn system as a whole that will introduce a whole new list of pros/cons.



Possible Fixes:

- make the spawn system more obvious. put somewhere a notice that so that klieners know when the eyes of the skull are green they are a spawn point.

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You can reduce the weighting for Y axis spawning, so spawns that are 400 units away on the x axis are chosen over spawns 100 units away on the Y axis. Something like this already exists but is not weighted to that extreme. 90% of troll spawning is below/above.


This is a good idea


Like ive said before a lot of troll spawning is on multi leveled maps which this would help alot

Edited by SkeletalElite
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You can reduce the weighting for Y axis spawning, so spawns that are 400 units away on the x axis are chosen over spawns 100 units away on the Y axis. Something like this already exists but is not weighted to that extreme. 90% of troll spawning is below/above.


Yes you are absolutely correct. The worst troll spawns usually occur on a Z-Axis troll location. Urban Strain, Stadium, Pathogen all have troll spawns that are caused on the Z axis. (I think Z axis is the correct letter for altitude)


I would also like to see a zombie introduced that specializes in providing spawns, maybe a boss zombie. I know flesh creeper cannot be added but some type of knock off would be nice, something that can build a nest would be sooo good.

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it was suggested that as a temporary or possibly even permanent solution if it worked out well was to give the chem zombie the ability to become a spawn point. They're relatively quick so they can get to where they need to be in a fair amount of time. They also have an incredibly small amount of health so it is a nice lure for humans to band together to leave and try to kill them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think zombie spawn points should only be on the player who is the closest to the cades. This would eliminate troll spawns because people in the other side of the map cannot be a spawn point at all due to being far away from the cade. Obviously, the zombie closest has to not be moving around otherwise it would go to the second closest and then the third and so on.

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