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Big Brother!!


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Event Name: Big Brother

Picture (Or description of picture): house from the actual t.v show with some other shit I don't really know.. I'll put some more thought into this tommorow

What: Big Brother (based from the T.V show)

Who: Friend of HG ----> council

Rules: basically the rules from the actual tv show. Voting out "house guests" until one remains as the winner (with of course twists that will be put into the game. All HG rules apply.

Prizes (If you're having any): 1st: $50 game or less on steam.(from me <3) 2nd: $25 game or less on steam. (also from me <3) 3rd TBA. 4th-18th a lot of fun ;)

Extra Information (If neccessary): you MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING GAMES; CSGO,CSS, Town of Salem(browser), GMOD. That's right folks, all divisions can play!!! I look forward to getting some feedback. : D

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You just vote people out? But under what premise?

basically every "week" 1-2 HOH's are claimed (picked from a challenge) these HOH's have the responsibility of nominating 2 people each for eviction or voting them out.

Those 4 nominated players then go to a competition called BOB(battle of the block) the pair that wins removes the person who nominated them from being safe also ensuring their safety. The remaining 2 nominees and the nominater pick 3 more people at Random to participate in the POV(-another challenge) the winner of this can pick one of the nominees to become safe. Or don't pick anyone. The rest of the players them vote. HERE IS AN EASIER WAY TO UNDERSTAND;


Contestants bob bob1 bob2 bob3 bob4 bob5 bob6 bob7

HOH - bob and bob1

Bob nominater bob2 and bob3 for eviction. Bob1 nominates bob4 and bob 5 for eviction

Battle of the block- bob 2 and bob 3 lost :( bob 1 has now been de thrones and bob 4 + 5 are safe

Power of veto bob(HOH) bob 2(nominee) bob 3 (nominee) + 3 random house guest all participate

Winner: bob 7 won *yay* he picks bob 2 to be safe, bob as the HOH must now pick a replacement,

He picks bob 6

Voting: everyone votes except for the nominees (bob 3 and bob 6) and the HOH (bob)

Bob 6 had the most votes and is now sent home: RIP 2k15


If this didn't help you just watch the first 3-4 episodes of the 17th season.

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basically every "week" 1-2 HOH's are claimed (picked from a challenge) these HOH's have the responsibility of nominating 2 people each for eviction or voting them out.

Those 4 nominated players then go to a competition called BOB(battle of the block) the pair that wins removes the person who nominated them from being safe also ensuring their safety. The remaining 2 nominees and the nominater pick 3 more people at Random to participate in the POV(-another challenge) the winner of this can pick one of the nominees to become safe. Or don't pick anyone. The rest of the players them vote. HERE IS AN EASIER WAY TO UNDERSTAND;


Contestants bob bob1 bob2 bob3 bob4 bob5 bob6 bob7

HOH - bob and bob1

Bob nominater bob2 and bob3 for eviction. Bob1 nominates bob4 and bob 5 for eviction

Battle of the block- bob 2 and bob 3 lost :( bob 1 has now been de thrones and bob 4 + 5 are safe

Power of veto bob(HOH) bob 2(nominee) bob 3 (nominee) + 3 random house guest all participate

Winner: bob 7 won *yay* he picks bob 2 to be safe, bob as the HOH must now pick a replacement,

He picks bob 6

Voting: everyone votes except for the nominees (bob 3 and bob 6) and the HOH (bob)

Bob 6 had the most votes and is now sent home: RIP 2k15


If this didn't help you just watch the first 3-4 episodes of the 17th season.


The point of the TV show is that they don't know eachother though, no?


We're talking about a bunch of whiny kids on their computers, not regular people in day-to-day life who are strangers to one another and will most likely never interact again.

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The point of the TV show is that they don't know eachother though, no?

We're talking about a bunch of whiny kids on their computers, not regular people in day-to-day life who are strangers to one another and will most likely never interact again.

you're right that is one aspect of the actual game. Ya, there are whiny kids. I just don't feel like it would effect it that much. As in previous seasons after one week of living together you pretty much know them.


*if I'm not looking at it how you meant to say it please correct me*

Edited by Yui NightcoreReality �����
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I think there is a reason why Big Brother isn't on TV anymore...


there's big brother US, big brother canada, big brother australia, big brother UK...


i'm not sure what planet youve been living on but big brother has been on for 17 seasons lmao




the show is great but you cant make this an event lol... theres things that arent meant to be mixed, this is one of them

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