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Useless Admins (Hear Me Out)

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as everyone knows this server has approximately 50 times the cancer than just a year ago. this of course is a natural occurrence across all of the internet. we can all help to prevent it. jk only the admins can, but they honestly dont do jack shit. it really feels like the only times admins are listening or actually paying attention to the game are when they're leading or somebody has freekilled them and they slay that person instantly and afk the rest of the round.


this year i can honestly say that admins give 50 less fucks about the server, and that they're 50 times less effective than the regular admins from a year ago. it is painfully obvious to anyone that the bar that was set for cancer and improper conduct has been dropped lower than my balls. a perfect example of this is that now everyone can say fa**** and not get punished. if you are an admin, and only wanted to reply to this with just "cant say fa**** if its derogatory gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/88 nice try troll dont have to acknowledge anything else you said hurrdurr" then you are part of the problem and congrats on helping the server go to shit without your guidance and leadership


most of the time im assuming admins are actually watching the game and can see the stupid shit thats happening. never actually happens. i report nearly every chance i can get, especially when i feel what they did is painfully obvious and admins can literally just check console to confirm improper actions by cts. but nope. so far this year the only times ive ever gotten their attention is by complaining in a derogatory and possibly offensive manner, reporting in a manner that isnt totally srs, lyk full srs, in which they tell me to not false report (i told an admin i got [triggered] "brah" from someone being extremely offensive and hurtful and mentioning rape and raping people).


if you're happy with the amount of cancer you're getting on the server everyday congrats you might aswell have yourself and everyone else join lemon pledge with your best buds mr yolo and james. congrats on where you've gotten in life. cancer on the internet. good luck trying to actually be an admin when the server goes totally out of control and you're contemplating what you've done with your life



TLDR paidmins do your fuckin jobs, im butthurt af

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Paid admins don't have a job... after all, they paid for admin.


We have moderators set to do they're job:




We just hired a bunch of new ones to keep our servers cleaned.


If you think you can help out, join HG and apply for moderator and help keep the servers cleaned.


If there's also any problems in the server you can join Teamspeak, hop in the helpdesk, and let someone from Staff know that there's problems.



Awesome drawing credit to thomas

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