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Here's an idea about a temporary buff for humans. Works kind of similarly to Left 4 Dead.


There are times in this game where people might need to go on runs outside the cade to get things outside or rebuild, and if it's past wave 3, even if they have 135 health, they'll die.

There are times when a human can be knocked down to 25 health and get an extremely slow movement speed attempting to run to a cade, and they die.

There are times when poison can get onto someone out of nowhere, and they will die.

And finally, most annoying of all, there are times when it may seem like the coast is clear of zombies, and humans try to make a run for a better cade, they get cornered by hiding zombies, and they all die.

HOWEVER- There is a solution to all of this!

Supplements! Temporary boosts to a number of different things for humans (Only purchasable in Arsenal Crates)!

There are a number of different supplements such as-

Health- Grant 100 Extra health for 30s

Speed- Grant 1.5x Movement speed for 15s

Antidote- Remove poison 2x faster/Cut down poisoning of a person in half

And the greatest of them all!

Zombie Sense- Similar to how zombies can see humans, humans can see zombies to check the safety of a cade for 15s


To stop these things from getting very OP, limit them to 1 available per person, maybe 10-15 available per game. They would have to cost a lot at an Arsenal, maybe about 100 points each. Temporary Buffs like these can really help Humans out when stuck in impossible situations.

Thanks for the consideration.

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Poor zombies... they already have a hard time killing humans sometimes... if humans want to recade, then more guns and humans to push during intermission would solve the the question. Sure, a few souls would be lost, but that is what survival is. Sacrafices must be made and to stop it dulls the thrill. Also, I think zombie sense is bad. If zombies hide and wait for humans, then that means the zombies had enough knowledge to team coordination. If we give humans the abilities to sense that, why coordinate to wait for the humans to go out. Give the dead a break. They need to RIP...


Finally, allowing the purchase of these pills is too generous towards the humans. I suggest these pill (maybe in multiple amounts) could have a chance to be dropped from killing bosses. This would give humans the incentive to push out to earn the advantage to survive a hell to come. This also limits the pills avaliable, but this also prevents zombies from letting there boss die to respawn another boss with full hp....

Edited by dnascot
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