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1) [immolators] on the elevator part + ?cading? of 《rescape》

2) [immolators] on the ?elevator part?, cading and the rock climb room of 《vertigo》

3) [Fasties] on bridge of 《enervation》

4) [Fasties] ?on climb area after gate on? 《vertigo》

5) [Fasties] on 《crest of waves》

6) [Revanants] ?on climb area after gate on? 《vertigo》

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8) [Revanants] on 《crest of waves》

9) *unsure* [wraiths] on 《crest of waves》




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Also I added a system that sets class unlock time based on how long the map took to win/loss. Here is a function I made to show the math


(((x / 60) / y) * 60) + ((z - 2) * ((((x / 60) / y) * 60) * (z - 2)))


x = MapWinTime (Seconds)

y = MaxWaves

z = CurrentWave


I plan to change this system though to add 1 minute for every 10 minutes in the map winrate but I can't figure out the bloody math for it

Edited by ForrestMarkX
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I feel like tickle needs to be disabled on enervation because of in the part where zombies are breaking the supports to the bridge, tickle can literally hit the humans out of an prop because it range.


Vertigo feels like harder with legion on some parts, I just don't know.


Edit : I forgot forrest turned off some boss zombies such as tickle and legion, sorry!


I feel like an boss zombie in vertigo or rescape elevator part like an wendigo can literally stun the humans in secs because wendigo have ton of health and able to knock down humans on the ground, this maybe also an problem to rescape since if somebody in elevator part do the expliot where all the humans can die in the fire since somebody went to bottom of the elevator part and got all humans killed, since when knocking down humans is an thing, I think humans can no colide, meanning the humans wouldn't have an chance to kill the wendigo.

Edited by xFirestorm
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