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Viral Gazer


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I was thinking about a cool, new type of Boss zombie that I thought might be interesting, but hopefully not overpowered or stupidly strong.


It's called the Viral Gazer.


-Description: An ancient zombie long forgotten after a nuclear explosion. Heavily mutated by radiation, it has procured the sight of deathly ills, causing all humans within its gaze to be incapable of healing or recovering from their wounds.


-Effect Description (for clarification): The Viral Gazer has a 150-degree, cone sight radius that stretches a few yards far in the location where the player faces. Any Human player within its gaze (not full-distant sight; that's OP because it would mean a player is affected about 600 miles away) cannot heal in any form, be it through a Med-grenade or Medkit.


-Appearance: Distorted Shade model with bright green eyes and a cone that indicates its gaze.


-Stats and Attributes:

*Has 1250 health and has 15% reduced resistance bonuses with other zombies when stacking up (only way to balance this thing).

*Flashlights do not harm it.

*Impaler bolts can pass through it like any normal zombie.

*It cannot attack; it's only form of attack is preventing any and all heals so long as players remain within its gaze.

*There is a 1 second delay for those that have just left the gaze before being able to be healed again.

*There can only be 1 Viral Gazer, for the effects don't stack.


Hopefully this might provide interest.


Also, the thumbnail below is so that I can get my signature working and is irrelevant to this discussion.


Edited by Snowylion9
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Now, the only problem with this idea is the likely chance of complaints coming from players who think incapability of being healed is way too OP for the zombies.


I can justify this (in support of my idea) by saying that the Viral Gazer is a weak top of boss. Unlike the Nightmare who can shred cades and is tough to kill and the Shade who is immune to bullets, the Viral Gazer offers a balance between offense and self-defense capabilities, all the while providing a unique type of gameplay.

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