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Mini Rant.


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one of the very few things i dislike about hg is the admins (on the servers i play on) seem to pick and choose which rules they enforce, i just feel like starting a discussion about this because its starting to get to me and im probably not the only one. i believe hg needs to be more tough on who they make admins. for example, admins on the servers i play on dont do there job half the time, they dont enforce the small rules, always say "if we dont see it then we cant do anything" which i get, you cant do anything unless you see it, however why are they playing the game if they arnt going to be looking for it, iv let many admins know about rule breakers but i often times get ignored, rules are rules, no matter how small, i just believe something should be done about it.

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We dont choose admins. (although we will take it away if that person has deemed themselves irresponsible)

People pay for admin, and are not required to use their powers. If they feel like they dont want to enforce rules one day, they have the right to do so as they are paying for that rank. A majority of the paidmins do not use their powers and only pay for the perks, while there are a few that actually use their powers..


Moderators are the ones required to use their powers , and if you need to discuss a problem with a moderator, you can contact one of their supervisors.

Also, as mango said, if you want to you can always buy admin if you feel like you want to enforce rules (or you can apply for moderator whenever apps open).


Edit: feel free to add a moderator to your friends list so you can ask them to get on the server when needed.

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A vast majority of the admins pay for their admin and are by no means required to act, they pay to use their admin and use it when they want to use it.


Just as Pure said, paid admins are not required to perform any actions. Moderators, however, are required to enforce all rules. You can identify a Moderator with a [M] tag after their name. If you see a moderator not doing their job, record a demo by typing demo [demoname] in console and talk to a Division Staff+ about it.


If you want to enforce the rules and help out admins+ then pay for admin, it'll be greatly appreciated!


Do this too. It helps our community financially and with your admin you can help keep the servers clean. :)

Edited by Miles
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As a "Paidmin" Myself I try my best to enforce all rules (with no exception) but you need to take into consideration that we "Paidmins" are no different from regular players, the only difference is that we support the server with 20$ monthly. Most of the money that supports HG comes from Vip Gold rank and if Homer were to simply take it out then who will cover the expenses, I don't expect homer to pay out of his pocket.

You need to understand that we Paidmins hop on the server to have fun, not moderate the server, there are some exceptions like myself who go through logs on TTT every round and mute mic spammers/rule breakers to make sure everything is running smooth and there are others who hop on, hear someone scream the N word in their mic and do absolutely nothing. We paidmins have that right, we dont pay 20$ to get extra consequences from staff.

In conclusion, next time you feel like someone needs to be punished ask a moderator+ to keep an eye on him and if he "Ignores" you then i'm sure there is a proper explanation... He is a human being.

Or if you truly desire to personally give consequences to rule breakers then as Mango said, donate for VIP Gold.

Edited by Vurpel
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i dont get paidmen because i disagree with the idea of it, however i do understand they dont have to act. i just believe there should be more people who should do things, or more moderators because im a night owl, i play threw the night because i work 3rd shift, a time when little to no moderators are even online, and same with paidmens, i have a few on my friends list that i call wheneever i see things happening and there on, however thats the problem, they are rarely on when i am so i cant rely on them. as i said it was just a rant, kinda wanting to throw the idea of having some more people on at all hours, not just when everyones on.

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