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Old Zombie Selection System


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When I complained about the afk exploit thing I never ever said that we should change the zombie volunteer system, I said we should change the AFK System, yet here we are again with our worst fears becoming true.


Random Selection System.


There's a very specific reason as why the distance thing is the way to go and why a random selection system is trash, first now we really got a shit ton of afk people on the zombie side making the game way more boring and hard for zombies.

Secondly, lots of people just hop in the server to play very specific maps like obj, ze or just a good or personal favorite map, But with this thing theres a very high chance that they will end up having a death sentence at the start of the game that will force them to become zombies no matter what they do. This leads to population loss.


And third, Its just not a solution, its not even a solution for the afk thing since now we still got people becoming zombies when they were as far as possible from zombie spawns leading to population loss and this now causes lots of trouble because most of the zombies are afk or ragequit.


This system works in ZE because rounds are short and they give the player multiple chances of being a human, but in ZS and Obj it just doesnt do it.


I never thought I was gonna say this but, I really hope this was a mistake of the coders and not an actual thing that was implemented.


Thanks for your time and I hope everything's fixed soon.

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Random selection system is not in zs at all I don't know what you're smoking. As for people that can't get off the list this almost seems unconfirmed because I can get off the list by going farther. Yet you want to bring back the list that allowed people to exploit it. Not happening

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The random zombie list is complete cancer.


Better solutions:

  • Make AFK time 3 minutes

  • Once you unAFK you are no longer immune from zombie

  • Remove auto loadouts


Auto loadouts will eventually be removed


As far as any update went into this as soon as you touch anything at all in the server or you move you are no longer immune to being


picked. And the timer was extended. Nothing was changed to you being picked randomly or supposedly being picked even after trying to


get off the list. I played all last night and had no issue of getting off the list when i was on it for a brief moment.


AGAIN the only randomizing we did at all for zombie volunteers was for ZE. That was it. To also add the only way


that people are allowed to even afk at all are the people that were afk last game. No system is perfect and you also


have to remember we don't exactly have the smartest player database.

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Auto loadouts will eventually be removed

As far as any update went into this as soon as you touch anything at all in the server or you move you are no longer immune to being

picked. And the timer was extended. Nothing was changed to you being picked randomly or supposedly being picked even after trying to

get off the list. I played all last night and had no issue of getting off the list when i was on it for a brief moment.

AGAIN the only randomizing we did at all for zombie volunteers was for ZE. That was it. To also add the only way

that people are allowed to even afk at all are the people that were afk last game. No system is perfect and you also

have to remember we don't exactly have the smartest player database.


We just played a map for ZS and the list barely moved. We even had a guy run near Z spawn while I sat on the anti zombie corner and I was selected, he wasn't at all

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I retract my point, I tried to belive what dylan and Firewall said because I felt like it was legit, Now Im realizing after talking with ATB that this is false,

This is the last time I believe something like this without mayor proof just because of trust.


Yes, there is something fishy going on with the Zombie Selection system as I have seen some non afk people avoiding it but the Random Thing isnt real.

Next time go do a mayor research before posting things like this and talk with Development Staff to get things as true as you can.

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We just played a map for ZS and the list barely moved. We even had a guy run near Z spawn while I sat on the anti zombie corner and I was selected, he wasn't at all

I'd like to see some proof otherwise I don't see a


Point in looking into this if this is a hoax to your own



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I saw it myself.

On Subway, everyone is at the furthest point from spawn. Dylan is inside the group and I am outside, closer to the ZSpawn, and he is still on the list although being further away than I am.

again I will refutely look into this unless I see proof. I won't go look into just because it was a he/she said situation.
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Get Marco to look at my zombie selection list on the serverside, there could be an issue where the it's refusing to build another table based on distance. For performance reasons I built it in a way that it only sends the table and changes when the distance for the player changes but I did it in a weird manner to keep it from looking like Jetbooms code.


I recently changed the code to use the table I built instead of making a new one on zombie selection to prevent screaming people going "I WASN'T ON THE LIST!"

Edited by ForrestMarkX
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