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The Love


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Once upon a time, there was this sexy man named Adam Cole and a woman Tof bubbles. Tof was a young woman born into a wealthy family who manipulated people for a living. Keep in mind Tof is a 16 year old woman in the early 21st century. She was majestic and beautiful and everyone loved her.

Adam was the one who stood out the most. He never cared for women at the time. Remember Adam is 17 a junior. Mostly he worked for his grades and rarely procrastinated. He was bullied a lot and was depressed. Adam was born into a poor family and his parents worked hard for him to succeed past on their legacy.

One day those two crossed paths in the hallway on accident when they bumped into each other. Adam was a kind gentleman and picked up Tofs books for her. She said, "Thank you sir". Adam responded, "No problem mam. Anything else i can help you with?" She said yes. If he could help her carry her books to her classes. Luckily they were heading to the same class in math... He had no clue. They had a pleasant conversation with each other. It was at this moment she realized that he was special. He was unlike many other guys who just wanted her for her body. It was like her soulmate. Weeks pass and they have really gotten to know each other. They were good friends. One day Adam asked her out. She reluctantly agreed.

6 months later....

Adam asks tof to prom and she said yes. They tooken many pictures together and they were deemed best couple ever. Adam wasnt really good at dancing so he asked her to lead. She said sure. Her dad taught her how to dance. Before prom ended she gave him a kiss. This was the first time she kissed him and it was his first also. Remember they were dating for 6 months.

Years pass and they get their masters degree and majored in Engineering. They now make 200k a year. 5 years after prom. He finally proposed to her. It was really romantic. She said yes.... A year later they had kids... They had a son and a daughter named Jacob Guiness and Oxmin (nicknamed Oxi boy). They lived happily ever after.

The end.




Edited by Destroy
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