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not abuse (Tf2) Abuse Report (Hg L Arkangelangel)

Penny Fitzgerald

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Abuse Report

Abuser Name

HG l ArkAngelAngel

Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?

Trade 2 Minecraft 2014 | 100% Crits

How long ago did this take place?

two hours ago from this post being submitted

Give us a brief description of the incident.

I was on this server with a few other people (who can account that this happened as well), and me and Ark are sniping back and forth. he gets me a few times, but I eventually dominate him. I dont see a sniper but him as a soldier flying at me getting the domination off. My initial reaction is to go soldier and shoot back with my shotgun. I fire at him a few times cleanly and my bullets do no damage to him. I assume that couldve been TF2's hit boxes and just forget about it. Later, as I am flying around with jetpack, I join most of the server players in the snow biome, and He is sitting in the corner with sm_resize @me enabled on him. Eventually when everyone in huddles on the porch of the house he resizes himself to normal and starts shooting everyone agian. I am ready and shoot him with my shotgun point blank three times and it does no damage, and he kills us all. I am an administrator on another trade server , and 9 more before this one, and I can tell that that was wither sm_god or sm_buddha. I scream out to hin, "Oh that is just admin abuse, I am not dealing with that." and I leave the server. My friend named PogChamp messaged me after I left explaining that he called us "dumbasses" because he got it with RTD. Team chat, according to him, hides the roll of the RTD command. After I heard that and joined back to him saying that I am new to the command. I know that there is no CVAR in the code of the plug-in that hides the command from all players. And I have been on servers and admin on said servers with the command for 4 years, so I have a decent knowledge of what I am speaking of. And an RTD does not last longer than 20 seconds, so if said 'perk' was an RTD he wouldve had to have it 15 straight times for it to even be considered plausible. I have screenshots of my friend trying it in team chat, and said admin using RTD and it showing in chat itself. I will upload them to steam now.

Proof Links?

(PogChamp, another player there)

(Ark using RTD)

(Pog trying RTD in team chat)

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